In your responses to others, discuss why the graph they chose might have been used. In other words, how does the misleading graph present its information? What are the implications of that graph?
Your answers need to include your interpretation of the material that you have watched and read along with your personal experiences. It is okay to use outside sources—if you do, list the author’s name and the article’s title at the bottom of your post. Please use complete paragraphs in your posts.
Hello instructor and fellow classmates, I decided to choose the Fox News Unemployment Rate Graph the source being from the Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2011. The first thing I realized that was misleading about this graph was that one of the values was not plotted correctly at the end of the graph, although it is numerically labeled correctly. The graph has been plotted to appear as if there is exponential growth, when in fact the graph has stable points throughout most of the numbers. Nine percent is the median. Also, Fox News ran the graph without checking the source’s work and chose to air the graph.
The graph could have been more accurate by properly placing the values in the correct spot. For example, March’s value is at 8.8% but placed at a higher level than the November number, 8.6%. The source of the graph, Bureau of Labor Statistics, has an axis and scaling manipulation. This impacts the viewers’ interpretation, especially if only spotted in a limited amount of time. This is misleading, and misinformative for any viewers. The unemployment rate under President Obama’s presidency is at a median of 9%, but gives a misinformative scale throughout, especially in November.
what make it misleading is that It’s hard to completely trust any government that reserves the right to assassinate me with a robot airplane. So it’s no wonder that many people are skeptical about the government’s economic data. There’s a lot of money riding on the accuracy and credibility of U.S. economic data. A lot of that faith is misplaced, but it’s not because the government is actively fudging the numbers or lying to us. Unlike a lot of people in Washington, the statisticians who crunch the numbers are a professional bunch who want to get things right. In the 1940s, the government defined those terms: Any paid work in the past week counts as a job. And to be counted as officially unemployed, a person must have actively looked for work some time in the past month,With a few exceptions, those are still the definitions used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Political opponents of Barack Obama (and of George W. Bush before him) are wrong to suggest that the current administration has moved the goal posts on unemployment. Council of Economic Advisers Chair Cecilia Rouse has made a habit of pointing out the larger-than-average fluctuations in the jobs reports. She published a blog post earlier in January after the seemingly underwhelming December jobs report that underscored the point. As the administration stresses every month, the monthly employment and unemployment figures can be volatile, and payroll employment estimates can be subject to substantial revision.
Reply to two classmates and further the discussion by asking questions or adding commentary. Responses should be at least 3-5 sentences each.
I would have to say its similar to the way i read course material becuase i often recite, question & review what im reading to make sure im fully understanding & comprehending what im reading. its different becuase i never really surveyed what i was reading before and think im going to give it a try and see if it works for me
I have always surveyed the material.When I read something I would read it over and over until I would remember what I have read.I would look it over to make sure it was right.And on my reading schedule I would make time in the evening before bed to read a book are I make sure I read every day .Well the importance of my reading is to make myself better in doing allot of reading because I will need to learn allot for the job I want you got to know how to do the stuff they want you to do in reading that is allot of reading you have to do in every job you get I will try my hardest to do good in the stuff they need from me