done x
hey, i have small essay due in few hours. I already wrote the steps and it not that hard, the subject is about lifestyle. I can send you what I wrote and i want you to follow the steps i wrote
thank you
hey, please follow the steps that i wrote and dont write less than 4 paragraphs each 4 sentences
Deviant Act
[Writer Name]
[Institute Name]
Deviant Act
Deviant acts is self-explanatory term. It means those acts which are deviant from the social norms of the society. For the given class activity, I went in the outskirts of the city and talked to some bunch of newspaper. For the third time I repeated the same act but inside my city in front of one shopping mall.
Deviant Act
As mentioned in the introduction, I talked to the piece of newspaper just to observe the behavior of the people who are watching in it. In-fact while I did it outside my city, one time I engaged further three of my friends in it and one time I did it alone.
I collected some old newspaper from my backyard, rolled them up and tied them with a rope. It was looking very similar to the Olympic torch.
I drove 200 km away from my city and reached to a small town or village and started talking to it. For the second time I did this activity nearby roadside shops on way back to my city, but did it along with my friends. For the third time I did in front of shopping mall inside the city.
Reactions of People and Reason
Reactions of people were different but same as predicted. When I started talking to it in a small town no one noticed. In fact many people witnessed my deviant act but the spectators there did not paid too much attention because the people in that small town thought I have some mental disorder.
However, during my second attempt when I did it with my friends. Many people recorded videos as they were perceiving that we are playing and just acting to start an informal Olympics themed race. On the contrary when I repeated the same act in front of shopping mall. Within few minutes, there was a small crowd surrounding me and after words many people tried to consult me.