competitivelandscapes xexampletosee
- follow the assignment sheet requirements and follow the sample. my topic is apple’s iphone (the sample one is LinkedIn)
- refrecnces should look like the one in the sample, apa style and cited appropiabtly
- Okay. please pay attention to grammar and sentence structure because its an english class
This is a business strategy report 900 words (with references, APA style). see attachment pictures for a sample and requirements. Topic is Apple iPhone
assignment sheet: requirements
LinkedIn Report: A sample of the work
Competitve Landscapes: one of the requirements
times new roman, font 12. 1.0 space (it has to look like the sample)
ENGL 317: Competitive Landscapes
Five Force Competitive Landscapes
The purpose of your strategy report is to explain whether your company has a coherent strategy that will allow it to gain market share with millennial consumers and identify the tactics it is using to carry out that strategy. You should break this task into three parts:
· Identify the one or two most important forces shaping your company’s competitive landscape
Focus here on the landscape not the company. You want to eliminate forces that are not important and zero in on the one or two forces that determine the shape of the landscape going forward:
· Competitive rivalry: Is competition fragmented or dominated by one or two players?
· Supplier power: Must companies bargain with a few essential suppliers?
· Consumer power: Do consumers have bargaining power with many options?
· Threat of new entrants: Can similar services/products easily enter the market?
· Threat of substitute products: Is it likely that new, disruptive variations will emerge?
· Describe your company’s strategy
Remember that strategy is not the same as tactics. Strategy is a question of how a company positions itself on a landscape to take advantage of the predominant forces. Tactics are the specific things a company is doing to carry out its strategy. Only list key tactics after you have described the strategy; don’t get lost in micro-details.
· Evaluate how effective that strategy will be in gaining millennial market share
This part of your report involves a judgment call. I am not going to grade you on whether I agree with your call but rather on how well you state and explain it. Although predicting some future outcome is difficult (e.g. whether strategy x executed by company z can gain millennial market share), a good analyst should be able to explain the framework for making such judgments. Be decisive and explain any qualifications or conditions that apply.
You can use the basic stockbroker framework for making recommendations: buy, hold, or sell (though don’t literally use those terms). In a strategy report, you generally recommend one of three options:
· Go for it
The company’s strategy is sound. Clients should partner with this company and/or adopt its market “solution.”
· Wait and hedge
Some part of the strategy needs adjusting or market conditions need to evolve further before clients should partner or adopt. For this option, you need to state clearly which forces or which parts of the strategy clients should monitor to decide whether to partner or adopt.
· Forget about it
There is no reason to believe this company can gain market share. Do not partner; do not adopt their solution.
Mobile Landscape |
Threat of New Entrants needcarrier partnerships and extensive 3rd party development of apps |
Supplier Power control hardware materials and manufacturing capacity |
Competitive Rivalry iOS vs Android |
Consumer Power many choices for carriers and hardware; increasing switching costs for OS and apps |
Threat of Substitute Products |
TO: Proximity Social Networking Team
DATE: Nov. 4, 2013
SUBJECT: LinkedIn strategy report
LinkedIn is the leading professional social network platform for employers and
business professionals. It is currently enhancing its mobile platform to attract more
premium members. Most millennial users, however, do not subscribe to LinkedIn’s
paid services as a means of job hunting.
LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn provide an online platform where users are able to create and manage a
professional profile, find career opportunities, network with other users, and manage
their portfolio. The company was founded in March 2003 as LinkedIn, Ltd by Reid
Hoffman, Allen Blue, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly, and Jean-Luc Vaillant. It
changed its name to LinkedIn Corp. in January 2005 and made its IPO (initial public
offering) in May 2011 (LinkedIn 2013). Now based in Mountain View, California,
LinkedIn’s CEO is Jeff Weiner (Reuters 2013).
LinkedIn’s revenue comes from three sources:
• consumers who purchase premium accounts with a monthly subscription fee;
• businesses and employers who subscribe to LinkedIn’s services for hiring
• advertisers who use LinkedIn’s marketing solutions to place ads and measure
their effectiveness.
LinkedIn currently has 238 million registered users and generated $972 million in
revenue for 2012, up from $522 million in 2011 ((Standard & Poors, 2013).
Social networking landscape is driven by consumer bargaining power
Consumer bargaining power is very high across all social networks because
substitutes are available and the cost of switching is very low. Although LinkedIn
offers professional features that cannot be found on free platforms such as Google +,
Facebook, or Twitter, career seekers still have other options when it comes to job
searching. Rival sites such as Monster and CareerBuilder, provide extensive lists of
job/career opportunities (Standard & Poors, 2013).
company and key
strategy issue
millennial appeal
basic story, CEO,
business model
revenue sources
topic heading and
topic sentence
identify key forces
(not companies)
which dominate
examples for forces
tailored to company
LinkedIn now focusing on mobile platform
LinkedIn dominated the old desktop computer landscape by creating a useful and
attractive online platform. Now more than 30 percent of the network’s 238 million
users surf the site using their smart phones.(PCWorld, 2013).
LinkedIn is positioning itself to compete in the new mobile landscape by optimizing
its products for smartphones and tablets.
In April 2013 LinkedIn overhauled its mobile apps in an effort to help make
the job hunting experience easier on mobile devices.
In October 2013 LinkedIn released “LinkedIn Recruiter,” a mobile app
version of the recruiter’s dashboard that the company offers on its web-based
platform (NASDAQ, 2013).
Analysts believe that LinkedIn’s expansion into the mobile segment with the new
apps is a positive. In addition, LinkedIn’s premium subscription services and recuing
services continue to grow rapidly, generating increased amounts of
revenue. (NASDAQ, 2013). I agree with this position.
LinkedIn appeals to older millennial professionals
LinkedIn’s free services makes the platform very attractive to all millennial job
seekers. LinkedIn’s biggest challenge, however, is attracting younger users to their
paid services. Currently, LinkedIn’s premium services appeal primarily to older
millennial professionals who can afford the pricy $25 per month subscription fee
(Standard & Poors, 2013). Proximity clients who wish to recruit and engage that
cohort should consider paying for premium LinkedIn pages and ads. Clients who
target a younger, less affluent demographic should use other social networking
PCWorld. (2013, October 16). LinkedIn pitches to recruiters on the go with mobile
app. PCWorld. Retrieved October 18, 2013, from
LinkedIn. (2013, February 19). LinkedIn Corp Form
Retrieved October 18, 2013, from
NASDAQ. (2013, October 18). LinkedIn Unveils New Apps – Analyst
topic heading and topic
sentence state basic
strategy relative to
competitive landscape
provides specific current
or projected examples
illustrating components
the strategy
provides evaluation of
the strategy
topic heading and
topic sentence state
specific appeal for
explains relevance of
appeal to Proximity
clients; recommends
client actions Retrieved October 18, 2013, from
Reuters, LinkedIn, Inc. (2013, October 18). LinkedIn Corp (LNKD.K) Company Retrieved October 18, 2013, from
Standard and Poor’s. (2013, October 18). LinkedIn. Standard & Poor’s Stock
Retrieved October 18,2013, from S&P NetAdvantage database.