Initial Post: This TQE requires that you spend some time doing some background research on ethical considerations in sociological research. Here are the steps you should follow:
1. Begin by spending 30-45 minutes conducting some background research on infamous research studies that violated the rights of their participants. This link should help you get started:
2. Review your notes from Chapter 1 of Gang Leader for a Day.
3. Review your notes from Chapter 2 (Section 2.4 is of particular importance).
4. Now answer the following questions:
· What did your search reveal? What studies did you read and learn about? What violations took place.
· The American Sociological Association’s Code of Ethics guides sociologists’ treatment of people who participate in their research. Think about Venkatesh’s ethnographical approach in Gang Leader for a Day,. What ethical dilemmas do you think Venkatesh’s research might present?
· Please be sure to answer both portions of this prompt to receive full credit.
· Question: Pose a question that came up for you as you read their work.
· Thought: Tell us what your colleagues’ response made you think about? Did you agree? Disagree? Why or why not.
· Epiphanies: As you read the response, did you have any aha moments? What did you learn from your colleague? Your response, as always, should be at least one paragraph.