As the bookkeeper of a new start-up company, you are responsible for keeping the chart of accounts up to date. At the end of each year, you analyze the accounts to verify that each one should be active for the accumulation of costs, revenues, and expenses.
In July, the accounts payable (A/P) clerk asked you to open an account named New Expenses. You know an account name should be specific and well defined, and you’re afraid the A/P clerk might charge some expenses to the account that are inappropriate.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- Why do you think the A/P clerk needs the New Expenses account?
- Who needs to know this information, and what action should you consider
Discussion 2
Take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us what first sparked your interest in writing. If you have written as a hobby or taken a creative writing class before, what form and styles are you interested in? If you have not written before, think about what you read for fun—fiction, nonfiction, movies/screenplays, or poems? If you cannot identify the form or genre, give an example.
Discussion 3
In this course, you will use blog posts to demonstrate various aspects of creative writing. In your first blog post, you will demonstrate your ability to write with a strong theme. LOOK AT THE RUBRIC BELOW.
This blog post has two sections:
- Creative Work
Write a nonfiction paragraph or a stanza of poetry that demonstrates theme. You have not learned much about the forms at this point except through examples in the module resources; use these to guide your writing. You will learn more about the specifics of each form when you prepare to write your first draft in Module Five.
- Reflection Questions
Why did you choose the form you used (nonfiction or poetry) to apply theme?
In what way(s) does your choice appeal to your personal interests and style?
Approach these activities as (a) an opportunity to reflect upon and apply what you learn each week based on the assigned readings, discussions, and activities,
and (b) an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise based on your educational and professional experiences in the past. As a successful professional,
you will need good reflective and writing skills. Blog activities offer you the opportunity to further develop these skills.
The blog discussions in this course are designed to be public between all students in this course as well as your instructor. Each activity is graded individually.
The criteria for well written blogs include the following:
1. Creative Work
Make it memorable. You will be asked to write specific pieces for each blog post, but other than that, employ your creativity. Draw your reader in.
Use expressive language.
Make it clear. Make sure the use of the relevant tool or literary element from the module is well displayed.
Make it unique. Since you will be writing using your selected form (nonfiction, fiction, poetry, or screenplay), you will have plenty of opportunity
to be unique. Find your voice and tell a story.
2. Reflection Questions
Respond to the specific reflection questions in each blog post.
Guidelines for Submission: Your entry should follow the specific instructions laid out for you and be entered using the blog discussion. Each blog will consist of a
creative writing section and a personal reflection section, equaling about 2 to 3 paragraphs. All blogs should be written in MLA format.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Creative Work Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
how the tools can be used
Incorporates writer’s tools
presented in the module and
work is creative
Briefly or incorrectly incorporates
the writer’s tools presented in the
module and lacks clarity or
Does not incorporate the writer’s
tools presented in the module
Reflection Meets “Proficient” criteria and
reflection demonstrates a keen
insight into the process and
personal style
Fully addresses reflection
Incompletely addresses reflection
Does not address reflection
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
- ENG 226 Blog Discussion Guidelines and Rubric