Week Three: Discussion. Evidence in Public Health
After watching the two assigned videos for Week Three, explain why evidence-informed decision-making is essential for public health. How can different communities make different evidence-informed decisions?
Watch the following videos:
NCCMT – URE – Evidence Informed Decision Making – A guiding framework for public health (7 minutes)
Making evidence-informed decisions in public health is complex and may draw from many sources of evidence, The model of evidence-informed decision making (EIDM) from the NCCMT recognized that complexity and illustrates the many different kinds of evidence that influence public health decisions. This video shows how the EIDM model adapts to the availability and relative importance of various types of evidence in a particular situation. Using the example of rates of respiratory illness, which the research evidence links to vehicle emissions, we look at how two communities incorporate other sources of evidence to reach very different evidence-informed decisions. Evidence-Informed Decision Making: A guiding framework for public health introduces a helpful guide for ensuring all relevant evidence is collected, assessed, synthesized and prioritized, helping you make most appropriate decisions for your circumstances.
Why is evidence-informed decision-making essential for public health?
After watching the two assigned videos for Week Three, explain why evidence-informed decision-making is essential for public health. How can different communities make different evidence-informed decisions?