Discussion Overview
In your initial post for this discussion, you will provide your first draft of your digital media presentation. This presentation will be based on the argument for change you wrote about in Unit 8. You can create a video or slide presentation to highlight your main message. Then, you will provide classmates with thorough, detailed peer responses according to the guidelines below. To earn full participation credit and demonstrate mastery of Professional Competency 1.1 on teamwork, which is assessed with this unit’s discussion, you will need to go beyond the minimum expectations by responding to feedback on your post and providing feedback to more than two classmates.
The peer feedback you will receive on your draft of your digital media presentation is much like the comments and feedback from your community members or coworkers you might receive if they are provided access to the digital media presentation. When you upload your presentation, please post at least one question to your classmates based on what you still need help with in your presentation. This question will give your peer reviewers some direction and help to ensure the feedback you get is based on the feedback you want.
If you are not readily familiar with digital media tools, the WC has resources that you can review, and one of them is “
Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations
.” If you want to try different tools beyond the basic slide presentation, the Internet has several free tools to consider, such as Animoto®, Prezi®, or PowToon®.
When considering both the tools and visuals to include, keep in mind the requirements of this unit’s digital media assignment. You can review the
Unit 9 Assignment guidelines
As noted in the reading, a great deal of thought should be put into the selection and use of visuals and text in digital media presentations. When you engage in a team presentation, whether for work or school, you want to provide support for your teammates, acknowledge their contributions by pointing out strengths in their work, and offer original, thoughtful feedback that will benefit the entire team. The ability to collaborate effectively is a crucial professional skill, and this week’s discussion will help you to build those skills.
Remember, responding promptly is essential this week as students will need time to revise their presentations based on your feedback. These responses should stay on topic and generate further discussion by asking questions, mentioning relevant examples, and referencing concepts from the reading. Using the downloadable
Peer Review Guide
, address each of the following questions in your responses and offer specific examples to help students revise their presentations effectively.
Peer-Review Guide
What is the main message of the digital media presentation? |
Who is the target audience and how might they respond to the presentation’s text and visuals? |
What are the strengths of the presentation? Why would you keep those aspects of the presentation in place? |
What are at least two areas that need improvement and what advice would you offer for making improvements? |
Identify one visual design strategy from the Unit 9 Readings that your classmate used especially well or could apply to enhance the presentation. |
Answer the question(s) your classmate shared with their draft. |
Refer to and credit the unit reading concepts to help validate your ideas and give you practice with using and crediting source information. When you refer to concepts from the unit’s reading, be sure to use a signal phrase like “According to . . . [name of reading].” If you are directly quoting the reading or another source, be sure to use quotation marks and cite the source using proper APA in-text citations and full references. See the Purdue Global Writing Center’s
Using Sources
for resources on APA citation formatting.
All discussion posts and responses to peers should be written in complete sentences using Standard English. Before posting, proofread for grammar, spelling, and word-choice issues. Be sure to respond fully to every aspect of the discussion.
Purdue Global (akamaihd.net)
The inspiration for change can come from unexpected circumstances, yet the idea can then be catapulted into communities through digital media and social networking opportunities. With your digital media presentation, you have the opportunity to share your idea for change with your community or colleagues.
This week is also an opportunity to reflect on what you have accomplished this term and how it has contributed to your growth as a writer. Consider Gilbert’s (2014) video,
Success, Failure, and the Drive to Keep Creating
, and
Timothy’s video
Nathan’s videos
from your learning activities as you explore the opportunity to continue advocating for change and growing as a writer. Then, respond to the questions below:
· In the first paragraph, reflect on your presentation by answering one of the questions below and connecting it to this unit’s reading:
· What did you learn about digital media design?
· What changes would you make to your digital media presentation, including visual enhancements, if you wanted to disseminate it to a wider audience via social media sites? Revisit
Creating Effective PowerPoints
from last week to get some specific ideas about what you could improve.
· Do you think your presentation could generate change, and do you foresee pursuing this argument for change in the future?
· In the second paragraph, reflect on your growth as a persuasive communicator this term by answering at least two questions in a well-developed paragraph. How have your ideas about persuasive communication changed?
· How did what you learned about effective persuasion and logical argument in CM 220 help you in your current job or in other classes you have taken? How might it benefit you in your future career?
· What did you learn about research that you think will be beneficial in the future?
· What improvements did you see in your writing after completing CM 220?
· What advice would you like to share with future students in CM 220 about the class?
· Do you think you will be more likely to advocate for changes in your community because of this course?