What kind of question I can ask a 4 year old in this Scenario how to build a trust
In-Home Scenario
Mother: Sally Jones – age 33
Father: Christopher Jones, Sr. – age 36
Children: Christopher Jr. – age 1 (male)
Melissa – age 4 (female)
Steven – age 7 (male)
Cause of Investigation:
On March 13 the child Steven was seen at school in clothes that appeared dirty and unwashed and had a noticeable smell. The child’s finger nails were caked with dirt and he was scratching his head, the school nurse confirmed the child had lice. This is not the first time the child had come to school with this appearance and the parents had previously been asked to address lice issues for the child.
Investigation notes:
The investigation revealed that this had been the fourth time this year that the child had come to school with lice. The investigator reports that upon entering the family home, a 3 bedroom/2 bath single family home, there was an odor he would associate with garbage and multiple “yellow” stains on the carpeting in the home, the family has 3 dogs which were all inside when the investigator arrived. The investigator reported seeing approximately 10 live cockroaches in various parts of the home, including the kitchen and children’s room. The kitchen had various pots, pans, dishes and silverware in the sink and on the counter and stove. The refrigerator was stocked with mainly frozen dinners, and contained various uncovered leftovers. There were piles of clothes strewn about the home, the investigator inquired about clean clothes, mother report that she had done laundry last week, but that the kids go through clean clothes quicker than she can clean them. The children have a hamster in a cage in their bedroom; the cage had newspaper on the bottom that appeared a day or two old. The investigator noted 3 empty beer cans on the counter and the recycling bin outside the home contained about 15 crushed cans.
The family moved to the area about 2 years ago to be closer to family. The father, Christopher reports he works for a roofing company as needed by his boss. The child, Steven attends Fort Myers Elementary, his grades are “average” and he has only missed a few days. His siblings, Melissa and Christopher stay home with the mother during the day as it is reported she is cannot work due to a car accident 4 years ago. Steven is reported to have asthma and requires frequent attention; Christopher Jr. is reported to have a weakened immune system which requires medical attention and daily medications. The mother, Sally reported to the investigator that she feels overwhelmed by “everything” and that on occasion she will have drink to ease her stress. The mother is prescribed pain medication to deal with pain associated with the previously mentioned car accident.
Court Involvement
In-Home petition has been filed by the investigator. A case plan conference is scheduled for 2 weeks.
The investigator made a referral for Family Home Maker services to assist the family in cleaning and maintaining the home. This service is scheduled to be an 8 week service, twice a week.
Current Situation:
Your Supervisor has just assigned you as a Secondary worker to this case and advised you to review the Family Functioning Assessment and Impending Danger Plan. This is to prepare you for the Case Transfer Conference call and the upcoming Family Meeting that you will be completing together with the Investigator. After the Family Meeting you be assigned as the Primary worker and you must return to the home to complete the initial home visit. You are to interview all household members to obtain information for the Ongoing Family Functioning Assessment. The information gathered assists in developing the Case Plan with the parents at the upcoming Case Plan Conference.
*Remember to utilize your interviewing skills and document the information you gained.