question attached “unit IV question“
>Before -After Risk Matrix
or Condition
0 Negligible 00
Risk Level (Before)
Spillage along the conveyor belt creating a slip, trip and fall hazard.
Task LO FE DPH NP HRN Risk Level (Before)
Spillage along the conveyor belt creating a slip, trip and fall hazard. (CONTROL – Re-routing employee route)
Risk Levels:
>250 and <500
>50 and <250
>5 and <50
Less than or equal to 5
Likelihood of Occurrence (LO) | |||
0.033 | Almost impossible – only in extreme circumstances | ||
Highly Unlikely – though conceivable | |||
1.5 | Unlikely – but could occur | ||
Possible – but unusual | |||
Even Chance – could happened | |||
8 | Probable – not surprising | ||
10 | Likely – to be expected | ||
15 | Certain – no doubt that it will occur | ||
Frequency of Exposure (FE) | |||
0.5 | Annually | ||
Monthly | |||
Weekly | |||
2.5 | Daily | ||
4 | Hourly | ||
Constantly | |||
Degree of Potential Harm (DPE) | |||
0.1 | Scratch/Bruise | ||
Laceration or mild ill-effect | |||
Break of a minor bone or minor illness (temporary) | |||
Break of a major bone or major illness (temporary) | |||
6 | Loss of one limb, eye, hearing (permanent) | ||
Loss of two limbs or eyes (permanent) | |||
Fatality | |||
Number of Persons at Risk (NP) | |||
1-2 persons | |||
3-7 persons | |||
8-15 persons | |||
16-50 persons | |||
12 | 50 + persons |
Risk Assessment and Management Report
Student Name
Columbia Southern University
Course Name
Instructor Name
Executive Summary
On this page, you should summarize the purpose of the report which is to provide a risk assessment and management recommendations for various scenarios (be specific on the scenarios), but be short, concise and to the point). Include the major findings (do not discuss the methodology or specifics). The purpose of the executive summary is to give the decision-makers the down and dirty on their problems, options to mitigate or eliminate the issue, and if possible, the estimated costs involved.
On _______________ (date), Student Name was asked to perform the following services: (a)
List all the required obligations of the report.
Do not write the report in first person. (No use of words such as I, we, our, etc.)
Part I
Provide your response to Part I requirements.
Part II
Provide your response to Part II here. Only provide the results of your assessment and discuss the methodology employed to obtain that result, including why you chose a specific rating for Severity and Probability. Provide the before and after matrices in Appendix (A).
Part III
Provide your response to Part III here. Only provide the results of your assessment and discuss the methodology employed to obtain that result, including why you chose a specific rating for each factor. Provide the before and after matrices in Appendix (B).
Part IV
Provide your response to Part IV here. Only provide the results of your analysis for both the Risk Score and J-Value and discuss the methodology employed to obtain that result, including why you chose a specific rating for each factor. Ensure that you discuss the meaning of each result and provide the answer to the following questions:
(1) Whether the cost to correct a hazard is justified; and
(2) How quickly the hazard should be corrected.
Provide all calculations in Appendix (C).
Summary and Conclusions
Provide a good general summary on risk assessment and the value and use of each method in the field of occupational health and safety.
References (If any)
For all sources used, you must format all citations and references in proper APA Style.
Appendix A – Part II Risk Matrices
Appendix B – Part III Risk Matrices
Appendix C – Part IV Calculations
Risk Assessment and Management
Prepare a consulting report using the
Unit IV Project Report template
which provides the following information:Part I: List and discuss the five steps to risk assessment and management.Part II: Conduct a before and after qualitative risk assessment to determine the risk level, based on the following information:Spillage of product along the walkway of a conveyor belt in an area creates a significant slip and trip hazard, especially when it rains (as there are significant leaks in the product shed). This area is occupied on the average with three employees per shift, which must pass through this area at least twice a day. The most likely consequence could be a significant strain or sprain to the extremities including potential permanent lumbar injuries. One option to reduce or eliminate the risk is to barricade the area and provide a secondary path. The secondary path would require employees to travel to the upper level, across and back down to this level, thus creating an additional travel time of 10 minutes each way (twice per day). Explain your reasoning why you chose the severity and probability ratings.Part III: Using the same information in Part II, complete a before and after quantitative risk assessment using the
Unit IV Project spreadsheet
.Part IV: In order to eliminate the condition of spillage along the conveyor belt identified in Part II and III, a permanent solution would be to replace the current 24” belt with a 48” belt. In order to do this, all of the rollers, framing, belt and guards must be replaced at a cost of $235,000. (Note: Some of this cost can be recovered by the prevention of lost product, but this does not factor into the cost justification process at this time.) Once completed, this project will reduce the risk by 42%. Using the William Fine method, calculate the risk score and J-value and determine:
· whether the cost to correct a hazard is justified and
· how quickly the hazard should be corrected.
Ensure you show your equations and all work for determining answers for parts II through IV in the project document. You may either formulate the scenario equations using the Word equation formula toolbar or write out and solve your equations with answers on a separate paper. Then, take a screenshot of your work for each scenario using your phone or similar device and insert it as an image in the document. Make sure your image is clear and legible to read.