#6 Discussion
Mental health disorders affect nearly 20 percent of American adults; nearly 4 percent are severely impaired and classified as having serious mental illness. (SMI) These disorders are often associated with chronic physical illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. They also increase the risk of physical injury and death through accidents, violence, and suicide. (Stuart, 2013).
1. How would you describe recognizing mental health as essential to physical health; And how might mental health related issues hinder physical recovery?
2. Do you believe human interaction with mental health self-help over the internet can be personally and socially transformative? Describe the benefits and challenges of this method of connection.
3. Reflecting on what you have learned so far in this class -How can society help people with mental health problems or prevent its development ?
Initial Post DUE Thursday
1. Create a thread/initial discussion post.
2. Write at least 200 words per question.
3. The majority of your post(s) must be original thoughts, words and ideas.
4. Identify additional source of all information you use.
5. Utilize APA formatting for your responses and citations.
6. Post must be typed in the discussion message box, not attached as a document.
Reply Post(s)
1. Post at least two replies to either peers or the professor.
2. Write at least 100 words per reply.
3. Identify additional source of all information you use.
4. Utilize APA formatting for your responses and citations.
5. Post must be typed in the discussion message box, not attached as a document.
1. How would you describe recognizing mental health as essential to physical health; And how might mental health-related issues hinder physical recovery?
From my perspective, recognizing mental health as essential to physical health is well-informed and based on reality. It is well-informed because proper mental health is critical in minimizing severe or acute physical conditions. It is important to understand that persons with acute mental health conditions, such as bipolar affective disorder, anxiety disorder, paranoia, and depression disorder, are prone to self-harm behaviors, accidental falls, and violence that affect their physical health (Camm-Crosbie et al., 2019). In other words, persons suffering from mental health disorders are at high risk of experiencing severe physical problems. Therefore, proper provision of mental health support is essential in promoting physical health.
Mental health-related issues, such as panic attacks, impulsive behavior, anxiety, body dysmorphic disorder, depression, and dissociative disorder, often hinder physical recovery because they increase the risk for self-harm behaviors (Luo et al., 2020). The self-harm behaviors associated with these issues hinder one’s physical recovery. Impulsive behavior, an example of a mental issue, forces one to indulge in violence, bullying, and other social vices that erode one’s physical recovery. Panic attacks and depression increase the risk of suicide or suicidal thoughts, which often trigger poor physical recovery. For example, a depressed person can jump down a cliff, thus resulting in a leg or arm physical breakage. As a result, it delays the process of physical recovery.
2. Do you believe human interaction with mental health self-help over the internet can be personally and socially transformative? Describe the benefits and challenges of this method of connection.
Human interaction over the internet is socially and personally transformative because it harnesses teamwork, collaboration, and promotes a sense of belonging. With the emergence of new technologies, such as Zoom and Google Meet, interaction over the internet brings people from diverse geographical areas to share critical ideas, perspectives, and opinions that support social and personal development (Westermann et al., 2020). In other words, human interaction over the internet allows people to keep in touch regardless of their geographical locations. As a result, it promotes the social bond which is vital in harnessing the activities of mental self-help groups. Furthermore, it is personally transformative because it connects members of mental health self-help.
Connection over the internet presents benefits, such as being less costly, eliminating geographical barriers, minimizing biases, and time-saving (Taiminen & Saraniemi, 2018). Unlike physical meeting that requires one to incur transport and logistic costs to reach the physical venue, an internet connection is less costly because one does not need to travel to the venue. Also, the internet connection eliminates geographical barriers because anyone can attend virtual meetings regardless of their location. It minimizes biases it allows everyone to share their ideas, views, and opinions openly. It is time-saving because one can attend meetings at the comfort of their sofas. However, this method of connection has challenges, such as being prone to information distortion, can be interrupted by internet loss, and limiting the use of nonverbal cues.
3. Reflecting on what you have learned so far in this class -How can society help people with mental health problems or prevent their development?
Society can assist persons with mental health problems by engaging them in an honest and open discussion about their concerns. Having an open conversation makes them feel valued, respected, loved, and cared for. As a result, open conversation eases anxiety, depression, stress, and social isolation often associated with mental health issues. Apart from engaging in an open conversation, society can offer the support and encouragement they need. For example, society can set aside funds to help people with mental health problems. Similarly, they can develop community resources for these people. Furthermore, society can connect them with qualified mental health professionals to assist them in the recovery process (Arango et al., 2018).
Further, society can ensure that environments, where persons with mental problems are living, are free from environmental stressors. For example, society should eliminate drugs or alcohol, toxins, and inflammatory conditions in environments where people with mental problems interact with. Moreover, society should advocate for the rights of people with mental problems in public forums, meetings, and seminars. Similarly, society should work closely with policymakers to come up with policies tailored for people with mental problems. Also, society should ensure that people with mental issues have access to the right nutritional diets that improve their moods and sense of wellbeing. Society should also support them in physical activities, mindful games, and keeping in touch with friends (Arango et al., 2018).
1. How would you describe recognizing mental health as essential to physical health; And how might mental health-related issues hinder physical recovery?
To me, it is well-thought, prudent, and scientifically proven to recognize mental health as essential to physical health. Doing so is prudent because people with mental health problems are most likely to have physical health issues like heart disease. Genetically, some genes increase the likelihood of one developing both mental and physical problems. Also, mental health issues such as difficulty with paying attention and concentrating have been proven to increase the risk of self-injury, self-harm, and other physical health problems. Depression and stress, two mental problems, have been proven to increase one’s susceptibility to physical health problems like substance abuse, violence, and obesity (Sciberras et al., 2020).
Mental health-related issues like depression, anxiety, stress, and panic attacks might hinder physical recovery in the sense that they often increase the risks for unhealthy behaviors, such as violence, injury, and self-harm (Sciberras et al., 2020). Studies have shown that depression, a mental health issue, can make one deliberately hurt self, such as burning or cutting, to “cope” with frustration, anger, and emotional pain. Panic attacks and pervasive guilty feelings can lower one’s self-esteem, self-concept, and self-image, which in turn erodes one’s physical recovery. Studies have also associated substance use disorder with bipolar disorder, a mental health issue. Therefore, one can conclude mental health hygiene is a gateway for quality physical recovery.
2. Do you believe human interaction with mental health self-help over the internet can be personally and socially transformative? Describe the benefits and challenges of this method of connection.
From my point of view, human interaction with mental health self-help over the internet is both personally and socially transformative. Internet interaction is personally transformative because it enables one to keep in touch with others at ease (Prescott, Hanley & Ujhelyi Gomez, 2019). Like physical face-to-face interaction, internet connection, especially over Webex Meetings, Google Workspace, or Zoom, can offer a face-to-face interaction. Internet interaction is also socially transformative because it enables one to create long-lasting social relationships with others in self-help. For example, one can meet new friends over the internet. The new friends can positively transform one’s social behaviors, thus minimizing addressing mental issues.
Internet connection has both benefits and challenges. Some of the notable benefits of internet connection include cost-effectiveness, offer easy connectivity, and the best to use in different gadgets and devices (Prescott, Hanley & Gomez, 2019). It is more cost-effective than physical meetings because one does not incur money, time, and energy to travel. From the comforts of the room, one can connect with others over the internet. An internet connection provides easy connectivity because one attends the meeting from any location. Despite these benefits, internet connection has challenges such as being time-consuming, susceptible to interruptions, preventing the use of physical cues, and can make one feel isolated. It can be time-consuming because the time lag between decoding, encoding, receiving, and interpreting the message can take an eternity.
3. Reflecting on what you have learned so far in this class -How can society help people with mental health problems or prevent their development?
Society can help people with mental health (MH) problems by offering emotional and moral support. Considering that most people with MH problems have emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress, offering emotional support is critical in addressing these problems (Cloitre et al., 2019). Further, society can solicit for additional MH specialists to offer support for people with MH problems. MH specialists would help them to learn how to live with their conditions, avoid mental health triggers, and manage their problems. Society can also train non-specialists to render MH services to people with MH problems. By training non-specialists, society would make access to mental services easier and more effective.
Society can also liaise with policymakers and mental health agencies to develop policies that are favorable for people with MH problems (Pilgrim, 2019). For example, the policymakers should be lobbied to develop policies that morally and ethically guide and frame the application of emerging technologies for early prevention and diagnoses of MH illnesses. Also, society can assist them by lobbying for additional funds and human resources to help people with MH problems. The scarcity of financial resources has been a major hindrance in addressing MH illnesses. Moreover, society can keep in touch with people with MH problems. Keeping in touch is vital in minimizing social isolation that often worsens their problems.