does engagement of patients using a scripted tool during bedside handoff at each shift change compared to no patient engagement in nursing handoff increase HCAHPS scores and positive patient feedback in leadership rounding after a three-month period?
SNRS 35th Annual Conference – Virtual Conference
Humanizing Care through Technology and Interdisciplinary Collaboration
February 24-26, 2021
Schedule for All Abstract Submissions for 2021
The Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference provides an opportunity for SNRS
members to report ongoing and completed research as well as theoretical, conceptual and
methodological projects to colleagues. This year SNRS will have one call for submissions,
open 8/4 to 10/5, for a virtual conference format.
Posters: Submission to one of two possible categories:
Traditional Research Poster or A Scholarly Project Poster translating evidence into
practice. Posters will be displayed on the Virtual conference website as a PDF
accompanied with a two-five minute pre-recorded presentation highlighting your findings.
From the student research poster submissions, the top 10 student posters will be
determined by blind peer review. These authors will have a separate poster
presentation session allowing a 10 minute pre-recorded presentation for each poster, a
live Q&A, and award of the Top three Student Poster Awards.
Research Podiums: Podium Presentations are individual papers grouped by Research
Interest Group (RIG) or Thematic Area with 4 to 5 papers per session. SNRS accepts
traditional research for podium presentations currently. Typically, presenters have 10
minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Only one presenter per abstract
presents the paper, usually the lead author. Due to COVID-19 and the SNRS conference
going virtual for 2021, presentations will be pre-recorded and compiled with a live Q&A
session and only 1 hour in length.
Research Symposiums: Symposiums are 4-5 papers from different authors that have a
consistent topic/theme. Symposiums will be 1 hour in length, pre-recorded with a live
Q&A. Format will be an introductory speaker, individual presenters, and then a panel
Non-Research General Session: SNRS will offer a few general session with 4-5
presentations of research-related issues such as research career trajectories,
methodological challenges, senior scientist experiences, advice and theory, the process
of conducting research in non-academic settings, and the role of nurse scientists in
clinical settings.
Submissions are welcomed from senior scientists, mid-career scientists,
researchers in clinical settings, and members from the Research Interest Groups. Due to
COVID-19 and the SNRS conference going virtual for 2021, presentations will be pre-
recorded with a live Q&A session and only 1 hour in length.
Specific Guidance for each type of submission:
1) Poster Presentations:
a. SNRS accepts completed research and clinical/translation projects as well as
theoretical, conceptual and methodological projects. If the research/ project is not
complete upon abstract submission, it will be scored lower and may be denied. You
can improve this score and may possibly still be accepted if you state such, include a
preliminary analysis or proposed plan for analysis, and expectations for conclusions.
Study must be complete prior to presentation. Failure to submit a completed study is
often the reason for declination.
b. SNRS does not accept abstracts which are concept analysis, systematic reviews,
critical analysis, literature reviews or reviews of any kind. Submissions which do not
follow submission guidelines will be disqualified.
c. Text is limited to 2,250 characters which includes any characters, punctuation
and spaces.
d. Title case only will be accepted for abstract titles (capitalize the first letter of words
other than short conjunctions, articles and prepositions). Example: This is
a Title.
e. Scoring rubric for all research abstracts for poster, podium presentations, or
symposia are located here. Scoring rubric for all scholarly project posters are located
f. Student Posters:
Student poster abstracts may be submitted by students currently enrolled in
programs, as well as members who completed the work while a student (in the
previous year). Abstracts describing completed research (may be preliminary
findings), methodology abstracts (innovative methodologies), and clinical or
translational science may be submitted. The student must be the first author
(presenter) of the abstract, though additional authors may be faculty advisors or
Student presenters must attest that the faculty advisor or designee has read and
approved the abstract and upload a faculty form that will be provided by SNRS if
the abstract is accepted.
All student abstracts are eligible for the Top Student Poster Awards Session.
The top 10 student posters (chosen during blind review) will be featured in a
poster discussion session with pre-recorded presentations and live Q&A.
2) Podium Presentation:
a. SNRS accepts completed research as well as theoretical, conceptual and
methodological projects.
b. SNRS does not accept abstracts which are concept analysis, systematic reviews,
critical analysis, literature reviews or reviews of any kind. Submissions which do
not follow submission guidelines will be disqualified.
c. Text is limited to 2,250 characters which includes any characters,
punctuation and spaces.
d. Title case only will be accepted for abstract titles (capitalize the first letter of
words other than short conjunctions, articles and prepositions). Example: This is
a Title.
e. Scoring rubric for all research abstracts for poster, podium presentations, or
symposia are located here. Scoring rubric for all scholarly project posters can be
found here.
f. Abstracts submitted for podium presentation will be automatically considered for
poster presentation if the score deems it.
g. Podium Presentations are individual papers grouped by Research Interest Group
(RIG) or Thematic Area with 4 to 5 papers per session. Typically, presenters
have 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Only one presenter
per abstract presents the paper, usually the lead author. Due to COVID-19 and
the SNRS conference going virtual for 2021, presentations will be pre-recorded
with a live Q&A session.
3) Research Symposium:
a. SNRS accepts completed research as well as theoretical, conceptual and
methodological projects to colleagues
b. SNRS does not accept abstracts which are concept analysis, systematic reviews,
critical analysis, literature reviews or reviews of any kind. Submissions which do
not follow submission guidelines will be disqualified.
c. Symposiums are 4-5 abstracts with a unifying theme/ framework. The author of
the overview will submit the symposium overview first by selecting ”Symposium
overview” when submitting. After the overview is submitted, each author of the
supporting abstracts will submit their own abstract by selecting supporting
abstract when submitting. Please also choose the title of the overview from the
dropdown box so we can link the supporting abstracts to the overview. Each
abstract is judged individually and then the symposium as a whole is evaluated.
Please assure the unifying theme/ framework is evident in each abstract
d. Text is limited to 2,250 characters which includes any characters,
punctuation and spaces.
e. Title case only will be accepted for abstract titles (capitalize the first letter of
words other than short conjunctions, articles and prepositions). Example: This is
a Title.
f. Scoring rubric for all research abstracts for poster, presentations, or symposia
are located here.
4) Non-Research General Session:
a. SNRS will offer a few general session presentations of research-related issues
such as research career trajectories, methodological challenges, senior scientist
experiences, advice and theory, the process of conducting research in non-
academic settings, and the role of nurse scientists in clinical settings.
Submissions are welcomed from senior scientists, mid-career scientists,
researchers in clinical settings, and members from the Research Interest Groups.
b. Submissions should be via Catalyst as listed below with Text limited to 2,250
characters which includes any characters, punctuation and spaces.
c. Title case only will be accepted for abstract titles (capitalize the first letter of
words other than short conjunctions, articles and prepositions). Example: This is
a Title.
d. Content should include:
i. Background/Significance: Includes clear, concise, statement of
significance of topic to conference theme/SNRS Mission. Documents
relevancy and topic originality related to structure and process
dimensions to meet conference theme
ii. Description: Provides sufficient detail to document logical consistency and
importance of topic for presentation
iii. Conclusions/Implications: Provides accurate interpretation of implications.
Includes recommendations for practice, education, research and/or
e. Scoring rubric can be found here.
General Guidelines FOR ALL SUBMISSIONS, please observe the following:
1) All abstracts/workshops/ sessions will be submitted through the collection platform
Omnipress. All submitters will need to create a new account. Please Note: Omnipress
requires a verification email be sent once you have created your account. University
firewalls may block this email. Please check your junk mail or use a personal email address.
2) SNRS requires a $25 submission fee per submission. You will pay your submission fee
on the site before you submit your abstract.
3) Abstracts must be submitted by 11:59 PM (Central time zone) on 10/5/2020. Individuals who
plan to submit an abstract should sign on to the abstract system and create an account, at
least five business days prior to the deadline to avoid any technical difficulties. The
submission site will close promptly at 11:59 PM CST. If you are in the process of submitting
at 11:59 pm the site will close automatically and your abstract will not be submitted. No
extensions or exceptions will be granted.
4) If you do experience technical difficulties, please contact Omnipress support. There is a help
option on the submission site.
5) If you have submission questions, please contact SNRS Account Manager, Jennifer
Lanphere at (720) 881.6119/toll free at 877-314-7677or email:
6) *Please note: SNRS reserves the right to disqualify your abstract, even after acceptance, if
submission guidelines are not followed.
7) What you need to know as lead (1st) author:
a) You will provide your name, institution affiliation, city and state of the institution, and
email when you submit your abstract. SNRS membership is not required to submit an
abstract but you must be a member to present if the abstract is accepted.
b) For each additional author(s), you will be asked to provide names, institution affiliation,
city and state of the institution, and email.
c) All communications regarding the abstract will be sent to the lead author. The lead
author is responsible for communicating all information to additional authors.
d) Text is limited to 2,250 characters which includes any characters, punctuation and
e) Title case only will be accepted for abstract titles (capitalize the first letter of words other
than short conjunctions, articles and prepositions). Example: This is a Title.
f) Scoring rubric for all research abstracts for poster, podium presentations, or symposia
are located here.
8) How many abstracts can I submit?
a) Each SNRS member may submit only ONE abstract in each category (podium, poster,
research symposia, non-research general session) as lead author. Duplicate
submissions, to more than one category, will not be accepted or reviewed.
b) SNRS membership is NOT required at the time of abstract submission; but SNRS
membership is REQUIRED at the time of presentation should your abstract be accepted.
SNRS membership is not required for co-authors, and there is no limit in the number of
submissions for which you may be a co-author.
9) How are abstracts selected?
a) Presentations will be selected on the basis of scientific merit by means of blind review.
SNRS reserves the right to pull an abstract, even after acceptance, if the author does
not follow the SNRS abstract guidelines. No information from the reviews is made
available to the authors.
10) Can I make edits to my abstract after the submission site closes?
a) No, you cannot make any edits to your abstract after the submission site closes. You
must enter all information exactly as you wish it to appear in the program. Please include
complete information for additional authors, including institution and credentials. Author
information (institution and credentials) will be used for the abstract information listed in
the program (onsite and online). Please check your abstract, title and author information
carefully before final submission.
11) How will I know if I am accepted?
a) You will receive an e-mail approximately 6 weeks after the submission site closes. If
selected, the first author will be notified. The first author will need to notify all other
authors on the abstract. Only one author (usually the first author) will present the
12) What do I do if I am accepted?
a) Once you are accepted you will have 30 days to accept or decline the invitation to
present at the conference. Instructions will accompany the acceptance e-mail.
b) Presenters must register and pay for the conference, have current membership in
SNRS, upload all required information and presentations by the deadline, and give
permission for duplication of abstracts for inclusion in conference proceedings online.
To begin your submission click here.