question attached
Unit III Project
Student Name
Columbia Southern University
Course Name
Instructor Name
Executive Summary
On this page, you should summarize the purpose of the calculations or testing (short, concise, and to the point), the major findings (do not discuss the methodology or specifics). The purpose of the executive summary is to give the decision-makers the down and dirty on their problems, options to mitigate or eliminate the issue, and if possible, the estimated costs involved. Do not exceed the purpose of the project. This is especially important if you are being paid as a consultant. Only give the client what they are paying for. This is not from greed, but from a strictly legal standpoint. To do consulting work, you must be covered by insurance, etc., so do not go astray of the contract.
Background (Example Verbiage Only – Tailor this to fit your specific requirement, such as performing calculations for the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Manager)
On March 24, 2018, Be Safe Consulting, Inc. entered a contract to perform the following services
a) Conduct sampling and analysis for…
b) Provide ventilation measurements on booth exhaust air flow
c) Determine the room air changes in…
Make sure you fully describe what you were instructed or contracted to do and any limitations on that contract, if any.
Do not write the report in first person. (No use of words such as I, we, our, etc.)
Describe in detail, which method, (e.g., equations). was used to determine your results.
Briefly discuss the findings. Insert a table to show air sampling results, with the PEL beside the calculated TWA. (Do not just insert the 8-hour OSHA PEL if employees are working 10-hour shifts. Always calculate the modified PEL in this case.
An example findings section from a report that was prepared for a client as an example:
The results of the samples are as follows:
Note: Multiple results are best presented in table format and single results presented using Bold Font
Calculation Results
Concentration (Time-Weighted Average)
Results of Option #1 Ventilation System
Results of Option #2 Ventilation System
Summary and Conclusions
Summarize all your findings and recommendations in this section.
References (If Any)
Format all citations and references in proper APA Style.
Appendix A – Calculations for Time-Weighted Average
Appendix B– Calculations for Permissible Exposure Limit (Modification)
Appendix C – Calculations for Option #1 Ventilation System
Appendix D – Calculations for Option #2 Ventilation System
As the environmental health and safety (EHS) manager, you have been asked to evaluate an existing operation to determine employee’s current exposure to hexane, which is a chemical used in painting processes.You are to complete an evaluation of the employee’s current exposure by determining the employee’s exposure to hexane (toxic contaminant) by calculating time-weighted average (TWA) and compare it to the permissible exposure limit (PEL) and modify the PEL, if necessary. If it is necessary to modify the PEL, explain the reasoning why it is to be modified. Once the current exposure has been determined, select the appropriate ventilation system between dilution and local exhaust that is the best choice to control the concentration of the contamination. Ensure that you provide the reasons why you think your selection of ventilation system is the best choice. You are to provide the results in a three-page answer using the attached template
An employee working in a room measuring 15 ft x 20 ft x 15 ft sprays paint assembly parts using a paint containing hexane. The PEL for hexane is 500 ppm. The employee wears a half-face, air-purifying respirator, but management would like to install engineering control measures to reduce or eliminate the employee’s exposure to hexane. The options are to:(1) install a dilution ventilation system, or (2) install a local exhaust ventilation system. The employee works a 9-hour shift and has the following exposures:
For the general dilution ventilation system to work, there must be at least 20 room air changes per hour. The fan which supplies air to this area produces 1,500 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (Q).In order for the local exhaust ventilation system to remove the contaminant to acceptable concentrations, the capture velocity must be at least 140 feet per minute (fpm). The proposed local exhaust system ventilation system uses a 1.0 feet diameter duct and a fan that provides a total volume of 1,275 cubic feet per minute (cfm). The source of the contamination is located 1.5 feet from the opening of the duct. Determine the appropriate ventilation control and calculate the capture velocity. Complete your project by following the Unit III Consulting Report template linked above. Ensure you show your equations and all work for determining answers for all three scenarios in the project document. You may either formulate the scenario equations using the Word equation formula toolbar or write out and solve your equations with answers on a separate paper. Then, take a screenshot of your work for each scenario using your phone or similar device and insert it as an image in the document. Make sure your image is clear and legible to read. No refer