Read Dr. Goleman’s Article, What Makes a Leader? The requirements are an 8 page APA 7 formatted research paper using Times New Roman 12 font. Provide 4 scholarly References, including (2) HBR articles, including What Makes a Leader?
Read Dr. Goleman’s Article, What Makes a Leader? The requirements are an 8 page APA 7 formatted research paper using Times New Roman 12 font. Provide 4 scholarly References, including (2) HBR articles, including What Makes a Leader?
Define Emotional Intelligence – According to Dr. Goleman
1. Define the Five (5) Components of Emotional Intelligence, according to Dr. Goleman – that is, Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Empathy, Motivation, and Social Skills
1. Provide a case study that you construct – a scenario — from your workplace OR the external, tumultuous, and constantly-changing environment, national or global.
1. Discuss and critically analyze The Gap in Emotional Intelligence — using the case study/scenario that you construct – using Dr. Goleman’s discussion of 5 components as framework for analysis
In other words,
(a) Identify the Absence of Emotional Intelligence as Demonstrated in Your Workplace OR Exemplified in a Current Event in the National/Global Environment.
b) Connect the case scenario/incident to 5 of Dr. Goleman’s components of emotional intelligence and critically analyze/discuss the connection and the impact on the organization, or on society, or on the individuals (workers) in the workplace
1. To fill the gap in emotional intelligence, What Could Have Been Done Differently/how could the outcome have been different by incorporating each of Dr. Goleman’s strategies? That is, what are possible solutions to filling the gap using Dr. Goleman’s framework?
1. Conclusion: My Role as Leader — How Can Leaders Become More Emotionally Intelligent to Benefit the Workplace, Organization, National/Global Environment, and Enhance their Leadership? What strategies can a leader incorporate, particularly in the tumultuous national/global environment, including, but not limited to, the impact of the global pandemic, the economic climate, the scarcity of resources, the workforce decline (workers quitting their jobs)?
1. Identify 3 Action Steps to Move the Organization Forward, to a Better Trajectory, a Better Course of Action.
The following are page guidelines:
Page 1: Cover Page
Page 2: Abstract
Page 3: Case Study (Constructed or extracted from a current event in the National/Global Environment)
Pages 4,5, 6: Discuss and critically analyze The Gap in Emotional Intelligence — using the case study/scenario that you construct – using Dr. Goleman’s 5 component model as framework for analysis
Page 7: My Role as Leader AND 3 Action Steps to Move the Organization Forward
Page 8: Reference Page (References) — 4 Scholarly References Required
Writing Sources include:
a) Foundations of Secondary Research (Compiled by Monroe College and King Graduate School)
b) American Psychological Association. (2018). Concise Rules of APA Style. 7th ed. Washington, DC:
c) Writing Resource Guide