AssignementDescriptionLeadership-Motivation1 x
Leadership and Managing Teams
Leadership and Managing Teams – Assignment
Background Info
Motivation as a broad term relates to the factors which motivate people to put real effort into their work. There are many potential motivating factors and each individual may have very different ratings or values attached to each factor. De-motivating factors can have just as much impact on an individual’s work performance as motivating factors.
Motivation is personal and not created by others. What organisations, leaders and managers can do is provide the environment, encouragement, support and resources that will positively influence and affect motivation.
· Consider individuals needs and expectations at work
· Review various theories of motivation
· Reflect on the meaning of job satisfaction
Communication and relationships are especially important when building teams. Teams can be found in all settings and walks of life and are a major feature within organisations. However, they take time to build and your reading will look at theories which explain how groups and teams are formed and the process that they undergo to become effective.
Motivation Principal Theory Videos helpful to find arguments for this Assignment:
Referenced material:
Mullins, L.J. (2016) Management and Organisational Behaviour (11th Ed). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
· Chapter 7 – Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction
Chapter 8 – Working in Groups and Teams
Include Table of contents. Find a good repartition of titles and subparts that give a good flow to the assignment relating to material requested. Also Include few Tables, Graphs, images…
Harvard referencing academic or business reference or wider reading for each Entry. Include both direct “quotes” as well as paraphrased citations/references
Assignement Question
Motivating individuals and teams to meet organisational objectives is arguably one of the most important tasks for a manager. With reference to examples from your own organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar, consider why this is so.
2000 words Essay -> Your answer should identify relevant motivational theories to demonstrate how the contemporary manager can effectively motivate and lead individuals and teams.
· Identify and describe relevant motivational theories
· Demonstrate how the contemporary manager can effectively motivate and lead individuals and teams
· Describe the importance of understanding motivation and job satisfaction
· Critically evaluate the major attributes of effective leadership
· Discuss issues around motivation in organisations
· Analyse and assess the influence of leadership on an organisation’s culture
· Reflect on the role of the leader and manager in motivating the workforces
Referenced material:
Mullins, L.J. (2016) Management and Organisational Behaviour (11th Ed). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
· Chapter 7 – Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction
· Chapter 8 – Working in Groups and Teams