4. You must respond at least two (2) times in a week to your colleagues post.
Your follow-up (Second & Third) must be at least (150 words and contain at least two scholarly references that are different from your initial (250 word) post.
Yes, the 1st Amendment freedom of speech should extend the laws to internet communication but with limitations. Almost thirty years ago, if anyone wanted to find out any private or personal information about you, they would have to steal your mail, go through your trash or break into your house to get information. Now, it is right at your fingertips with the modern technology of the internet. With the Internet and social media, freedom of speech and freedom to expression is somewhat of a fashion. At times, a bit overboard; it is very easy for a person to get into your personal or private business and possibly use it against you. All the more vague as some actions are certainly harmful to others in ways that infringe on their rights.
According to
USCourts.gov (Links to an external site.)
, the First Amendment does not cover: Words or actions meant to incite violence or that influence others to commit acts of violence, Libel and slander, child pornography, nor students who advocate illegal drug use at a school-sponsored event, just to name a few. With or without the internet freedom of speech or expression has limits within the 1st Amendment and can be used against you. Employers use the internet and social media to determine if they will hire you or not. There is no privacy with the new technologies of the internet, you have cybercriminals watching your internet activities to steal your credit card activities and you also have the government monitoring every move you make to predict your behavior and control you better. Instant connectivity has changed the way we live and work for the better, but this convenience comes at a huge price: your privacy!
Shahid, H. (2022, January 11). What is internet privacy & why it matters so much in 2022? – purevpn blog. PUREVPN. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from https://www.purevpn.com/blog/what-is-internet-privacy-scty/ (Links to an external site.)
What does free speech mean? United States Courts. (n.d.). Retrieved January 26, 2022, from https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does (Links to an external site.)
The question the i propose, is whether the freedom of speech should extend to communications made via the internet? While the Constitution does not address the internet do to its advent decades later, should the 1st Amendment freedom of speech extend to internet communications?
In my humble opinion I believe internet communications is the epitome of the first amendment rights being exercised. There is a myriad of hate groups on Facebook, there are pedophilia safe spaces, there is even an entire black market code rooms, video group messaging like zoom, cisco web connect, Microsoft teams etc. These are prime examples of people having the freedom of speech and opportunity to have support groups based on racial bias, child pornography, and sexual identification/sexuality bias. Now even though on the outside looking in, it may seem that many people get flagged, or banned for certain things that they say, but that is simply case by case. Even an article by the congressional research service even says they should do more intervening with the content people choose to put out and express on social media. The issue with that, is that it might come to the freedom of speech and not freedom of consequence, this may mean fines or even individuals been sued or even convicted. On the other hand it has some benefits on regulation like protecting children from predators and child pornography. Many times in the past we have seen 13,14, or even younger kids end up in trafficking situations by speaking to an adult posing to be another teenager or kid for friendship. Regulations have to be sanctioned to prevent innocent children from experiencing the horrors of predators. My consensus is that internet communications should be monitored heavily for children, and censored for hate groups to prevent violent behavior, other than that, let people feel and express themselves how they please.
Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content (Links to an external site.)
4. You must respond at least two (2) times in a week to your colleagues post. Your follow-up (Second & Third) must be at least (150 words and contain at least two scholarly references that are different from your initial (250 word) post.
I don’t think the word is harshly the way minorities are treated. I think the word is more of unfairly. I say this because most of the time when a person has a public defender or assigned counsel that means that they could not afford their own lawyer so that means that someone from the courthouse may be representing them. And when it is like that it means that they don’t really care how a trail goes because the public defenders or assigned counsel is going to get paid regardless. And it is another problem with you being a person of color because they are not going to try because they think maybe they did do something to get in trouble so jail would keep them off the streets and there will be less crime. If a person ends up going to jail or not the public defenders is just going to move right on to the next client, and it would be amazing if they even know your name when you meet them.
As an African American I can say I would rather be represented by a private attorney. I would want to be represented by a private attorney for the reason that I feel like If they are getting paid big money that they are going to do their best to help you since they don’t want their business and clients to decrease because their client is getting charged for things they didn’t do or deserve a bunch of time for.
https://sfcriminallawspecialist.com/blog/hiring-a-private-attorney/ (Links to an external site.)
(n.d.). Retrieved January 13, 2022, from
https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/officer-killed-rayshard-brooks-job-back-77256119 (Links to an external site.)
Are racial minorities represented by public defenders or assigned counsel treated more harshly than those represented by private attorneys? Absolutely. The criminal justice system has always treated poor people unequal, and the punishments are always harsher. A public defender is a lawyer employed at public expense in a criminal trial to represent a defendant who is unable to afford legal assistance. I do not think if anyone had a choice they would choose to be represented by a public defender. Public defenders are not bad people, they are just overworked, underpaid, and lack the resources to represent their client fully. Where a private attorney is one employed by a private person rather than by a government or a subdivision (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/private attorney). When have the money to pay then the is a better chance that you will be represented to the best of their ability.
Black men who live in poverty that have been arrested are more than likely to spend time in jail until their hearing because they do not have the money for bail. The stays in in jail are usually long and when it’s time for court they are giving a public defender. Public defenders’ caseloads are heavy, so they really do not have time to really their client, so they usually go for the plea. This will lead to longer jail sentencing for minor offences. This is not fair to the client. The client is going before a biased judge and a prosecutor so the chances of him getting a fair trial is slim to none. Who would want to be represented by someone who is working more than a hundred cases at a time? This is the reason the prison population is running over with black men.