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ResearchEssay: Corporate Greenwashing 1
Research Essay: Corporate Greenwashing
Student Name
Student Number
Program, Centennial College
COMM 171: Section
Prof. Sadia Banerjee
Research Essay: Corporate Greenwashing 2
“Every time a large corporation announces a ‘green’ initiative that is supposed to fight
climate change, a turtle chokes on its microplastic laced lunch somewhere” (Para. 1) says
Ratcliffe (2020) author of “the unbearable hypocrisy of corporate greenwashing” (2020) in her
article while claiming the determination of large companies to go green and their action in the
implementation is not as determined. Numbers of big companies argue their concern is on
environmental issues whereas they are working more for their business and less for environment.
Ratcliffe (2020) finds the hopeful promise but insufficient practice of large companies to go
green. Her argument is successful due to appropriate use of emotional appeal, logical argument,
and valid reasoning.
Use of emotional appeal in the article makes audience feel more responsible to the
environment. Ratcliffe (2020) often uses the emotional appeal regarding corporate’s activities to
make clear to the audience because the author gives examples of the companies who promised to
go green and spent time and money claiming to be environment friendly through advertisement,
but, they did not implement it in practice. For example, the author states that Tim Hortons has a
good start, its promotion was linked with rolling up the lip of company’s paper cups and the plan
was to give away nearly two million reusable cups by offering an incentive of three “rolls” but,
in practice, this plan looks like half-baked (Para 3 and 4). Companies come with some features
on business and some strategies in the name of giving benefit to the customers but that is limit on
their self-promotion. In reference to this, scholars Lyon and Maxwell in their article state that It
is interesting to think about these issues in the context of large organizations’ conversion to a
more promotional stance regarding its social contributions (Lyon & Maxwell 2011). Authors in
their article clearly state some promotional activities of the large companies have a major focus
on their business rather than go green. These examples draw the reader’s emotional awareness.
Research Essay: Corporate Greenwashing 3
So, this article clearly evaluates the fairness of the critical public greenwashing through the
study of the environment, and criticism against companies.
Appropriate use of logical arguments makes easy to the public to know about
greenwashing and its effects on the environment and public health. Some companies have
promised to go green and work environment friendly, even though, they have not worked as they
promised. Ratcliffe (2020), takes some examples of facts and based on the facts she draws the
conclusion. Because corporates do several programs where, they change their features, and make
a large effort to show their consumers that they have done their best to be environment friendly
but indirectly, they are after the profit of their company. For example, Ratcliffe (2020) in her
article says grocery store Sobeys has eliminated all kinds of plastic bags at their check out
stands, but, still, they offer plastic bags for fruits, meats, and vegetables. Many stores give
options to buy plastic bags (Para 6). It proves that they are making fool to their customers with
good sense. In reference to this argument, Kathryn and Susan in their article state that Starbucks
promises to cut carbon emission and waste in half by 2030 and promises to sell most of their
products on disposable packaging. Even Though Starbucks in 2018 produced 868,000 tonnes of
waste and emitted 16 million tonnes of greenhouse gas (B & R 2020). Here, those companies
who have a high rate of pollution, they promise for betterment. So, based on those arguments, it
proves the greenwashing is public confusion and it is harmful to the environment and public. So,
the logical argument in the article is appropriately used. If consumer see-through greenwashing
perspective to the promise of companies, it will lead to the betterment of the environment.
Ratcliffe (2020) uses valid reasoning in the article to prove that the corporates are biased
to the environment. Companies claim that they are going green but these are all their claim to sell
their products because companies argue that harmful products are labeled eco-friendly, but they
Research Essay: Corporate Greenwashing 4
are not labelled as their promise although they are high ratings on their environmental claims.
For example, Ratcliffe (2020) in her article states that Tim Hortons came with changing features
but could not implement properly (Para 2 and 3). Sobeys promised to go completely green but
still, they are using plastic bags directly or indirectly (Para 6). Starbucks has a big recycling plan
that is not properly implemented as their strategy (Para 7). So, with these examples and
information, writer has the valid use of reasoning in her article. In reference to the reasoning of
the author, Kathryn and Susan in their article argue that the big Company promised to cut carbon
emissions and waste in half after 10 years. A goal to do so is to minimize plastic products and
focus on disposable packaging (Kathryn, & Susan 2020). But, when it comes on implementation,
it all limits on their promise. So, as a green customer, we prefer to pay to the Companies who are
in favor of environment in their real practice.
Author’s use of logic on her argument, emotional appeal to the audience on
environmental issues, and her appropriate use of reasoning is based on the fact of corporate
social relationship; however author’s examples and evidences add credibility on her argument so,
she is successful to draw the environmental issues. The hypocrisy of the large companies is
leading the global issue of environment to the complexity. Can we make strategy to overcome
the greenwashing policies of the corporates?
Research Essay: Corporate Greenwashing 5
Kathryn, B. B., & Susan, K. R. (2020, Jan 22). Starbucks pledges to halve waste: Coffee chai to
phase out black plastic as it sets 2030 targets for emissions, refuse. The Globe and
Mail Retrieved from
Lyon, T. P., & Maxwell, J. W. (2011). Greenwash: Corporate environmental disclosure under
threat of audit. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 20(1), 3-41. Retrieved
h ?squence=1
Priolo, D., Milhabet, I., Codou, O., Fointiat, V., Lebarbenchon, E., & Gabarrot, F. (2016).
Encouraging ecological behaviour through induced hypocrisy and inconsistency. Journal
of Environmental Psychology, 47, 166-180. Retrieved from
Ratcliffe, G. (2020, Feb 28). The unbearable hypocrisy of corporate greenwashing:
OPINION. The Globe and Mail Retrieved from ?squence=1 ?squence=1