See attachment to answer the 4 questions.
1.Identify the point of view (POV) for each of the following stories from Chapters 1 and 2: “A & P,” “A Rose for Emily,” “The Tell-Tale Heart,” and “Girl.” (Link to the Stories are found below)
2. Provide
for your claims regarding point of view. In other words, how do you know that that is the actual POV?
3. Why does this POV seem particularly appropriate to the telling of this particular story? (In other words, how would it be different if told from a different POV?)
4. Pose one question for your classmates to respond to for
of the stories. This question might have to do with the plot structure (e.g., where the crisis is, where the climax is, reasons for conventional or unconventional plotting), or whether or not a character experiences an
, or with theme and tone, or any other questions that deal with concepts and terminology from this lesson.
* Remember that an
epiphany is a sudden and profound insight that changes the way a character perceives him or her self and the world around them. It’s being struck by the truth–instantaneously, not over the course of time. So an epiphany always exposes a truth, not a lie or an illusion or a delusion.
A & P
The tell-tale heart
The girl