Charters and Charters claim that writers ″show us what life is like.″ If that is true, then their writing should provide a glimpse of the world from which it arose. To satisfy this assignment, it will be necessary to research the life and times of your poet. However, this paper is not a biography. You must show how the historical and social background of your poet influenced the writing. In other words what does the poetry show us about the life of the poet and the era in which he or she lived? Choose a poet from the text. You may not choose the poets who are highlighted in ″Poets and Their Worlds.″ Do research to learn as much as you can about the world in which your poet lived. (Minimum of 3 acceptable academic resources). Note the significant influences on the poet and how those influences are reflected in the writing. Consider the historical era, the social and cultural background, as well as literary influences, as they relate to the poet′s work. Was the poet part of a particular literary movement or did their poetry represent a break from the literary traditions of the time? Pay attention to the poet′s particular style. How does it reflect the influence of other writers? Of the era within which it arose? Read much of the poet′s work, within the text or online. An excellent paper will refer extensively to the poet′s work for support (at least 5 poems). That means that lines of the poetry will be incorporated in the essay, as evidence, and cited. Do not include entire stanzas. As you read, note the recurrence of theme, subject, tone, symbol, allusions, imagery, figurative devices, rhyme, etc. It will not be enough to merely point these out. You must discuss how the poet′s use of the these particular poetic devices reflect the world in which the poet lived.The poetry, itself, will serve as the evidence to support your points, so be sure to include lines of the poet′s work and explain how they serve to illustrate these influences. Keep track of all resources, so that you can adequately reference them in your paper. Review how to cite numerous works by the same author within your paper. Don′t guess with the in-text citations, or with the works cited entries. If you use multiple poems from the same text, follow the cross-referencing model. 3-5 pages, plus the works cited page