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Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Assignment Guidelines
Access and review the “Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Assignment Guidelines.” Complete the paper according to the assignment guidelines.
Include at least six scholarly resources in addition to the textbook in your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
This assignment meets the following CACREP Standards:
2.F.1.b. The multiple professional roles and functions of counselors across specialty areas, and their relationships with human service and integrated behavioral health care systems, including interagency and interorganizational collaboration and consultation.
2.F.1.c. Counselors’ roles and responsibilities as members of interdisciplinary community outreach and emergency management response teams.
2.F.1.d. The role and process of the professional counselor advocating on behalf of the profession.
2.F.1.e. Advocacy processes needed to address institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clients.
2.F.1.l. Self-care strategies appropriate to the counselor role.
5.C.2.a. Roles and settings of clinical mental health counselors
Please let me know if you have any questions. It is also based on a textbook that I am suppose to cite and use. I am not sure how to give you access to this as I access it online.
Here are some additional links.
1. Achieving a Mental Health Bill of Rights
Read “Achieving a Mental Health Bill of Rights” by Cantor, from Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (1998).
2. Ethical Issues in Addiction Counseling
Read “Ethical Issues in Addiction Counseling” by Scott, from the Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin (2000).
3. Informed Consent to Psychotherapy: Protecting the Dignity and Respecting the Autonomy of Patients
Read “Informed Consent to Psychotherapy: Protecting the Dignity and Respecting the Autonomy of Patients” by Fisher and Oranski, from the Journal of Clinical Psychology (2008).
4. Protecting Confidentiality Rights: The Need for an Ethical Practice Model.
Read “Protecting Confidentiality Rights: The Need for an Ethical Practice Model,” by Fisher, from American Psychologist (2008).
just please read everything I posted. There is a section on self care. Below is what I would incorporate into this. As for the textbook, I can always add on to the paper and cite in one area, however the text book section that applies to this also can be found in other areas. It does say I have to use 6 scholarly resources. APA Code of ethics counts.
Thank you,
- What does the ACA Code of Ethics say about self-care? In APA code
- How do you plan on maintaining a healthy balance between your professional and personal life? by maintaining balance in all areas. Daily exercise, meditation and overall healthy lifestyle.
- What healthy self-care activities have you engaged in in the past or present? exercise and meditation
- What healthy self-care activities have you considered but haven’t yet implemented? mindfulness meditation
- What are some red-flags suggesting that you may need to address personal issues to avoid personal impairment? Currently they are working full time while in grad school, but after I would need to maintain balance of everything or I know I become impaired.
- How do you feel about counselors being counseled?Some programs require it.Do you agree with that concept? Agree, and I would be open to this if I needed it at anytime
Topic 4: Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Assignment Guidelines
Directions: Follow the directions below to write a paper of 1,750-2,100 words on counselor ethics and responsibilities.
Provide a thoughtful response to each of the following sections, including specific, concrete examples to illustrate your ideas. Use the section headings provided below to separate each section of your paper.
Your final deliverable should be one cohesive paper addressing all six sections along with an introduction and conclusion.
Part One:
Please note that part one must be written in the third person.
Section 1: Client Rights
1) Describe how you will incorporate the following five principles of ethical practice in order to maintain your clients’ rights.
a) Autonomy
b) Nonmaleficence
c) Beneficence
d) Justice
e) Fidelity
2) Discuss the informed consent process and how it protects client rights including:
a) Billing
b) Right to Privacy
c) HIPAA compliance
d) Compliance with credentialing board requirements for incorporating informed consent into practice
Section 2: Responsibility to Warn and Protect
Identify the factors that you will consider in order to determine your “duty to warn” and “duty to protect” responsibilities as a counselor. Be sure to consider ethical guidelines as well as the laws pertaining to the “duty to warn” and “duty to protect” in the state in which you plan to practice.
Section 3: Client Record-Keeping
Discuss the role of client record keeping in protecting the following:
a) a client’s right to a professional standard of care
b) the counselor from liability
Part Two:
Please note this section can be written in the first person.
Section 4: Self-care
After reading the introduction of Section C “Professional Responsibility” in the ACA Code of Ethics discuss the following:
1. What does the ACA Code of Ethics say about self-care?
2. How do you plan on maintaining a healthy balance between your professional and personal life?
3. What healthy self-care activities have you engaged in in the past or present?
4. What healthy self-care activities have you considered but haven’t yet implemented?
5. What are some red-flags suggesting that you may need to address personal issues to avoid personal impairment?
6. How do you feel about counselors being counseled? Some programs require it. Do you agree with that concept?
Section 5: Advocacy
Go to the American Counseling Association (Government Affairs > Take Action) (
) to find a way to advocate for the counselors and the counseling profession at the governmental level. Summarize how you can get involved (approx. 100 words).
Section 6: Counselor Values
1) Select two of the following issues you feel strongest about from the following:
(A 19-year-old rape victim wants an abortion, but her parents are vehemently opposed to abortion on religious grounds and have stated that they will no longer consider her their daughter if she proceeds. The young woman is firm in her plans, but wants your help in changing her parents’ attitudes.)
Gay adoption.
(John and Bill, after living in a committed relationship for 7 years, decide that they want to begin a family. They have differing opinions about whether to use a surrogate mother or adopt a child.)
Assisted suicide.
(Eleanor, an 87-year-old with terminal cancer, has decided to end her life but is undecided about how to discuss this with her family, or if she should discuss it with them at all. She seeks your guidance in this decision, but is not interested in revisiting her decision to end her life.)
Extramarital affairs.
(Both spouses in a couple you are counseling are having affairs, which they claim are not contributing in any way to their current marital difficulties. They want your help in strengthening their marriage but they are both committed to the “open marriage” concept that does not require sexual monogamy.)
2) Describe your personal values and attitudes towards the selected issues as well as how you would counsel the client in each situation you selected. HINT: Make sure you reference ethical codes from ACA, NBCC, or NAADAC.
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