What are some of the ethical issues surrounding the development and use of medical technology? Identify 1-3 issues and explain the why.
Paper requirements
Minimum 1 page, maximum of 3 pages
APA formatting for paper and references
Minimum of 1 outside source
What are some of the ethical issues surrounding the development and use of medical technology? Identify 1-3 issues and explain the why.
Paper requirements
Minimum 1 page, maximum of 3 pages
APA formatting for paper and references
Minimum of 1 outside source
View Rubric
Assignment Rubric |
Assignment Rubric |
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
Content and Focus view longer description |
2 5 pts Student addresses all items of the assignment. Clearly identifies and explains 1-3 issues. 2 0 pts Student addresses most items of the assignment. Adequately identifies and discusses 1-3 includes their own analysis on the topic. 1 2.5 pts Student addresses most, but not all items of the assignment. Summarizes only part of the issues and not a strong analysis of the topic in their own words. 0 pts Student fails to address most items of the assignment. Thesis statement lacks clarity and focus. Inadequate or missing summary of article and analysis in their own thoughts. |
/ 25 pts |
Organization view longer description |
10 pts Full MarksStrong introduction and conclusion. Coherent and logical progression of ideas. Uses clear and skillful transitions between ideas. 8 pts Clear introduction and conclusion. Illustrates consistency and shows some logical progression. Uses clear transitions between ideas. 6 pts Introduction and conclusion are present. Shows some attempt of consistency and order. Attempt to create transitions between ideas is present, but weak. 3 pts Unable to clearly identify introduction and conclusion. Lack of consistency and order. Little or no attempt of transitions between ideas. |
/ 10 pts |
Sources/Format view longer description |
10 pts
Work represents an example for others in respect to assignment format. Follows APA guidelines for citations and format when respected sources are used to support ideas. 8 pts Work follows the appropriate format of the assignment. Follows APA guidelines for citations and format with very few exceptions. 6 pts Work attempts to follow the appropriate format of the assignment. Inconsistent use of APA citation and formatting guidelines when respected sources are used to support ideas. 5 pts Work does not follow the appropriate format of the assignment. No cited sources are used to support ideas, little or no parenthetical documentation. |
Writing Style view longer description |
5 pts
Written in audience-appropriate language (avoids inappropriate language completely). Elaborate and colorful language. Written in student’s own words with direct quotes supporting student’s ideas. Superior editing: rare spelling and mechanical errors, correct usage and grammar. 4 pts Majority of language is appropriate for the intended audience and appropriate to the topic. Majority of assignment reflects student’s own ideas with direct quotes supporting student’s ideas. Careful editing: very few spelling and mechanical errors, correct usage and grammar. 3 pts Some use of audience-appropriate language recognized; inappropriate language is dominant. Most language is appropriate to topic. Able to get vague idea of message. Some evidence of editing: spelling and grammatical errors present. 2.5 pts Paper frequently uses language not suitable for the intended audience. Language is not appropriate to topic. Message is unclear. Majority of paper is plagiarized. Poor editing: spelling and grammatical errors make it difficult to read. |
/ 5 pts |