Tell a story of significance to your family. Tell it in scene.
For Miami Stories Event:
Theme — Tell us your story:
- “My first time in Miami. . .”
Give us a scene that you remember from when you first arrived to Miami. If you settled in Miami, describe where you (and/or your family) settled: address, physical description of the place where you lived, neighbors, landscape, streets. Give sounds, colors, names of places and people. How old were you? What was the year? The season? The weather? Give us a specific account of one moment in your life then and your impressions of the place. Include dialogue, setting, gestures.
or - “What it’s like to live in Miami. . .”
Give us a scene about living in Miami now. Give sounds, colors, names of place and people. Give us the - year,
- season,
the weather. Include dialogue, setting, gestures
The story you tell could be one that you witnessed or one that was told to you. Do not state the story’s significance. It must emerge from the details or actions narrated.
Tell the story as it comes to you, but tell it in scene, moment to moment. It could be a memory or a story of when you were a child or a story told about a relative or sibling or a parent.
Be sure to have:
- setting/ location
- time of day,
- gestures (people sit, stand, move),
- dialogue (one line per speaker, tags ‘he/she said’)
- Incorporate figurative language (See descriptive power-point for examples)