Healthcare Management and Costs
1. Watch this video on Healthcare Management and the Aging Population.
2. After reading the questions below, watch the video:
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The video describes a state pilot program to study the advantages of aging in place, as opposed to moving to a nursing home.
3. Discuss this topic by responding to the prompts below:
- What resources are needed to enable seniors to successfully age in place at home?
- How does an “aging in place” model save costs for patients, payers, and government programs for seniors?
- Identify two potential risks of implementing this pilot program across the state.
Answer fully!
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Healthcare Management and the Aging
Video Title:
Originally Published: 2016
Publication Date: Jun. 01, 2016
Publishing Company: SAGE Publications, Ltd.
City: United Kingdom
ISBN: 9781473988590
(c) SAGE Publications Ltd., 2016
(c) SAGE Publications Ltd., 2016
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Healthcare Management and the Aging Population
[Healthcare Management and the Aging Population]
RON HARRIS: I’m Ron Harris from University of San Francisco, and I have a case study to present
called Louisiana Answers for Living at Home. This is a state pilot program for aging in place. The
learning objectives for this case study are to know about strategies for aging in place, to learn about
cost analysis for evaluation, and to compare program costs with alternatives.
RON HARRIS [continued]: [Louisiana Answers for Living at Home Introduction]
RON HARRIS: More than 79 million people in America have begun to retire, and they’re retiring
over the next 20 years, the baby boomer generation. Therefore it’s necessary to innovate with
alternatives to long term care. In Louisiana there are 18 thousand people on a waiting list hoping for
an opportunity to stay in their community through home base programs.
RON HARRIS [continued]: Louisiana Answers for a Living at Home was a state pilot program
designed to provide options for aging in place. The pilot program was designed to assist individuals
who are at imminent risk for nursing home placement but not eligible for Medicaid. To have the
choice of avoiding nursing home placement and spend down to Medicaid. Basically people are being
required to become poor so that they can go into a retirement home
RON HARRIS [continued]: where they don’t want to be anyway. [Know About Strategies for Aging in
RON HARRIS: Aging in place is considered to be the most desirable way to age by maintaining
connection in a community and obtaining support for an autonomous lifestyle. When they are
successful aging in place strategies minimize the provision of inappropriate care. [Learn About Cost
Analysis for Evaluation]
RON HARRIS: Cost analysis is among the quantitative methods for analyzing the data collected in
evaluation research. I conducted a cost analysis of a pilot program called Louisiana Answers for a
Living at Home to evaluate the options for older adults to age in place. The types of services provided
by this community living
RON HARRIS [continued]: program where transportation, home delivered meals, a homemaker to
come in and service the home, maintain cleanliness and hygiene, look for fall causing agents, low
lighting. Caregiver education was provided to the caregivers that provide services.
RON HARRIS [continued]: Acadian On Call is an ambulance service. They were available for elder
people in their homes in case they had a medical emergency. Material aid was provided. One of
the most important services that was provided was home modification. People in their homes they
wanted to retire and needed to have a wheelchair ramp or they needed to have grab bars and
RON HARRIS [continued]: And so this was one of the services that would allow them to stay in their
homes. Personal care services were provided. Respite for the caregivers. An older person would
be able to go and stay in a community center and someone would have some time off from that.
Charlie’s Place was one of those types of centers which specialized in care for Alzheimer’s patients.
RON HARRIS [continued]: And other chores that could be provided through service provision.
Various contracts of services [Compare Program Costs With Alternatives]
RON HARRIS: The program costs were compared to alternative types of programs such as living in
a nursing home. To spend down and to become eligible for Medicaid and be in a nursing home you
would have to spend in the state of Louisiana at least spend $47,482 on an annual basis.
(c) SAGE Publications Ltd., 2016
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Healthcare Management and the Aging Population
RON HARRIS [continued]: Versus the Louisiana Answers for Living at Home Program we only had
to spend $27,000 for someone to stay in their own residence where they would be happier. We
had other programs that you could compare the EDA waiver program which was $34,000. Still the
answers for living at home program
RON HARRIS [continued]: did better on those costs. [Conclusion]
RON HARRIS: In conclusion the program provides more services and flexible options for care than
home health so that older residents can stay in their community. The program participants were
extremely satisfied with the flexibility to manage their own resources to obtain preferred services.
The program appears cost effective when compared with alternative programs such as Medicaid
RON HARRIS [continued]: in a skilled nursing facility. Why is this program important? Well as I
mentioned we are running out of resources to support our aging population. By about 2030 we’re
going to run out of funds from Medicare and Medicaid and social security unless we raise taxes or
we find some other way grow the economy.
RON HARRIS [continued]: What impact will this have on your future? Many of the people that
participated in this pilot program complained that in retirement they have to sustain three
generations. They’re taking care of their parents who are still not passed on. They’re taking care of
their own children and sometimes grandchildren. So this is important to you. If you want to read more
about this study
RON HARRIS [continued]: I have an article called Louisiana Answers for a Living at Home, State
pilot program for aging in place that was published in the international journal of aging in society.
And then in the governor’s office of elderly affairs there is a final evaluation report that I wrote called
Louisiana Answers for Living at Home.
(c) SAGE Publications Ltd., 2016
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Healthcare Management and the Aging Population
- Healthcare Management and the Aging Population