The question
According to our book a work of art “must do something to the viewer,” and our book describes an “aesthetic experience” as “feelings evoked from viewing a work of art” (Ambrosio 14).
First Watch the the video
by Martha Graham.
Describe the movement in this dance. Does this dance do something to you? How does it make you feel? Why do you feel that way? What does this dance reveal to you about your dance aesthetic? Does this dance confirm or challenge your definition of dance? How do you define dance?
Create an original thread and write a minimum of 100 words. Respond to two classmates’ threads and write a minimum of 50 words in each response.
Since we are focusing on dance this term, let’s start by sharing our experiences with dance.
Even if you don’t consider yourself a “dancer,” you have probably been exposed to dance in some kind of context (a sporting event, a party, a family gathering?). What kinds of dance have you been exposed to? Where? What are your favorite moments or memories related to dance? (Need one paragraph )
Two student posts to respond on:
1. The first thing that I noticed about the movement of the dance moves in the video, Heretic, by Martha Graham was that the dance moves were very stiff and repetitive. By the third time of the women in black going back to their half circle, I was like “and now we are going back onto our tiptoes now.” I did not really feel much of anything from watching this dance. I think that is mostly from it not being my particular dance “aesthetic.” This dance kind of confused me because I just did not really get it because I am not much of a dance expert. My definition of dance is moving your body to beats of music.
2. While watching Heretic, I found the movement in this dance to be sharp and direct. This dance took me by surprise because I haven’t seen something like it before and it made me rewatch the video because I felt like there was a message the women in white was trying to send. What this dance revealed to me about my dance aesthetic is that it caused me to see dance completely different because I felt that the lady in white was just full of sorrow while dancing. This dance definitely challenged my definition of dances and makes me want to go in more depths of dances like this. My personal definition of dance is anyone moving their body the way they’d like to towards any piece of music or rhythm.