For the short paper task, you will first finalize the various stages of the consumer buying process. Then develop 8-10 survey questions that can be used when evaluating a purchase decision for a product.
For the Milestone, prepare a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the consumer buying process researched so far in order to market the consumer product you are proposing for. The company is Amazon.
Here is the feedback:
MKT 345 Milestone Two Rubric feedback:, thank you for your submission. I think this week you had some issues identifying both marketing strategies and buying strategies. I have given you some elaborate feedback with examples to assist you in differentiating these two terms. You will want to re-do these slides prior to the final assignment, as they will be used again and I do not want you to lose points a second time.
Please be sure you are reading my announcements and watching the videos in the required reading. If you are having any problem understanding the material, be sure to reach out to me so we can discuss it one on one.
Go back and re-read this section and let me know if you have any questions regarding these elements or my feedback.
Consumer Buying Process: Stages:The first slide asks you to ” A. Define the stages of the consumer buying process” Throughout your first two slides, you have mentioned different stages; howeve, the directions asked you for a clear slide with the 5 stages listed and a definition of each. You want to clean up this area for the final assignment; you should have one slide with the stages and a description of each on it.
Consumer Buying Process: Marketing Strategy: , you have written “The most effective marketing strategies for Amazon, for instance, and for the early adopters and new parents would be content marketing, brand establishment as well as conducting follow-up surveys and emails.” None of these are marketing strategies.
You should have one slide which lists each stage and then have a marketing strategy which reaches your particular consumer segment for each stage. Examples might be:
Problem Recognition – Viral Marketing Information Search
Evaluation of alternatives- Celebrity and Athlete Endorsers
Purchase Decision – Community Marketing
Post purchase Decision- Mobile Marketing with QR-Codes
Please review this area in your book and let me know if you have any questions.
Consumer Buying Process: Buying Process: I am not really sure you understand what buying processes are Angelica. Buying processes are necessary to align with the stages of consumer buying in order to get credit in this area. Buying process examples include; Problem Recognition: Where and how the customer will first realize they have a want or need.
Search for information: where do your customers look for the information they need to make a purchase decision.
Evaluating Alternatives- this could be social media or word of mouth- how do people make decisions among all of the possible products out there?
Purchase Decision-Use focus groups, interns and questionnaires to continually incorporate feedback from the consumer segment about what they need and want the most.
Purchase Decision- how to marketers help consumers make these decisions? Updates, emails, using consumer reviews all help the potential customer make a decision.
Post purchase evaluation- offering warranties, customer service, etc.
These need to be identified with each step in the consumer decision making process in order to receive full credit on this slide.
Articulation of Response: , your milestone was very hard to follow this week. Each of your slides had the same title: Marketing Strategies; but each one should have had a different title. One for consumer buying process, one for marketing strategies and one for buying strategies. You seemed to have tried to combine all three areas; but it didnt work for you because your examples were not correct. For the final assignment you want to separate this into 3 slides and make sure each one aligns with what is being asked.