NayefAbdullahALHAMRANI-Debatereflectionassignment x
Topic: Debate & reflection: should English be the global language?
Debate Reflection Assignment
Debate question:
Your position:
Follow this procedure below to reflect on your debate performance and the debate question. Write your answers directly in this document below, after the questions where it says “reflection.” This should take you about
0 minutes. Your teacher will also send you feedback via email and your score will be recorded in this document.
1. Watch your video here:
YouTube channel
2. Answer these questions in paragraphs after watching:
what was your IB score
? (see
rubric here
i. what did you do well (2 things)?
ii. what can you improve (2 things)?
1. did you achieve the language guidelines (vocab, transitions, effective intonation and accurate and fluent speech)?
2. did you apply the rhetorical skills (emotion, logic & morality) we discussed?
b. what do you think about the debate question now (who won)?
c. what are the most important things you learned from the debate (name 2)?
d. how can you connect the debate topic or skills to the LAS Mission (innovative, compassionate, responsible),
or the
IB Learner Profile
. Write
one goal
you have for improvement next time (Please refer to your last speaking assignment goals and teacher comments).
REFLECTION: write here…
Rubric rating submitted on: 1
/10/2021, 14:20:00 by
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 |
7 |
Criterion A: Productive skills How successfully does the student use the language in speech? How fluent and clear is the student’s speech? How accurate and varied is the language? How much does the student’s intonation aid communication? Your score: 1 |
Command of spoken language is limited. The production of language is hesitant and not always comprehensible. Language is often incorrect and/or limited. Intonation interferes with communication. (difficult to understand) |
Command of spoken language is fairly good. The production of language is comprehensible and fluent at times. Language is sometimes correct, with some idiomatic expressions. Intonation does not interfere seriously with communication. (many mistakes in many structures; many hesitations) |
Command of spoken language is good. The production of language is mostly fluent. Language is generally correct, varied and idiomatic. Intonation contributes to communication. (many mistakes in some structures) |
Command of spoken language is very good. The production of language is fluent, with a touch of authenticity. Language is accurate. Intonation enhances communication. (a few mistakes in some structures) |
Command of spoken language is excellent. The production of language is fluent and generally authentic. Language is varied and idiomatic. Intonation enhances communication. (very few mistakes in most structures, speech flows well) |
Criterion B: Interactive and receptive skills To what extent does the student understand and demonstrate an ability to interact in a conversation? How well can the student express ideas and opinions? How well can the student maintain a conversation? Your score: 1 |
Simple ideas are understood with difficulty and interaction is limited. Simple ideas and opinions are presented with difficulty, sometimes incoherently. The conversation does not flow coherently. (gives just a few facts with little organization or opinion) |
Simple ideas are understood fairly well and interaction is adequate. Simple ideas and opinions are generally presented clearly. The conversation flows coherently at times but with some lapses. (some facts presented) |
Simple ideas are understood well and interaction is good. Simple ideas and opinions are presented clearly and coherently; there is some difficulty with complex ideas. The conversation generally flows coherently. (many facts presented) |
Complex ideas are understood well and interaction is very good. Both simple and complex ideas and opinions are generally presented clearly, coherently and effectively. The conversation flows coherently. (facts used to support opinion) |
Complex ideas are understood very well and interaction is excellent. Complex ideas and opinions are presented clearly, coherently and effectively. The conversation flows coherently in a natural manner. (develops clear, organized conclusions/opinions and arguments based on evidence) |
Incomplete- no participation.
Your score will be recorded here with comments after you complete your reflection.