Research Topic: ” Information Technology Challenges and Solution in Modern Transportation System”.
Week 1 –
Traditional Research Mapping & Topic
(write 5 pages)
Traditional Research Mapping & Topic
This assignment consist of three parts. All three parts must be combined into one document before uploading the assignment to Blackboard.
Part 1
- Watch the video “How to Develop a Good Research Topic”
- Create a research topic for your traditional research. Focus on all the attributes that make a good topic and remember to narrow down your topic to a particular group and problem.
Part 2
- Watch the video “Concept mapping of key ideas”
- Create research map for the topic you created in Part 1.
Part 3
- Write a short paper (5 pages maximum excluding non-content pages) on the process for choosing a good research topic
Include detailed information on how you were able to narrow down the theme into your topic.
Include your research map from Part 2
Include your perspective topic from Part 1
The paper must follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain scholarly references. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the SafeAssign originality-checking tool. cite references in APA format
Note: Must include a mapping Graph.
Note: Research Topic: ” Information Technology Challenges and Solution in Modern Transportation System”.
Note: Read out all the above-mentioned instructions before you start the paper very carefully.
Note : Be very specific about the asking requirements, APA and at least 6 peer reviewed references
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video How to Develop a Good Research Topic