36 37 OUTLINEE x35
INSTRUCTIONS: For this assignment, you’ll choose a single publication and write for that, building on the work you did defining the conversation in A2. You’ll still synthesize sources to define the existing conversation, but this time, you’ll find some way to join the conversation yourself along the way. Here is where you need to find a much narrower focus to pursue than in A2. What can you contribute? What can we see about this topic (and how we should better talk about it) through your eyes that we couldn’t quite see the same way through anyone else’s? You’ll need to tailor your writing to suit the publication you’ve chosen. SOURCES: You will naturally lose some sources and pick up new ones as your project progresses. This time, you must use at least two “scholarly” sources, and at least eight sources total.
How influential education is to the process to change our life?
1. Education can create opportunities for better lifestyle:
Reduce stress. No concerned about money
· Better job: the insurance is provide by employers
· Higher earning: investment in healthy
· Purchase expensive food: organic/ go the gym and outdoor adventure
2. People healthy choice( environment/ behavior/ healthy choice)
· surrounding environment: healthier and quit place to live. Good neighbor.
· good community: better for children and away from violent.
· Some creative activity to motivate children, such as science or some communication game.
3. To gain information and opportunities by higher education, you can take the initiative and possible for changing your life.
· Social networking
· Physical minds and self-management
· Educational background: