An EdD capstone must be grounded in a theoretical or a conceptual framework. Beginning with the prospectus, you will be required to describe this framework in the scholarly literature that will ground the study
Module 4 Week 7: Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks
An EdD capstone must be grounded in a theoretical or a conceptual framework. Beginning with the prospectus, you will be required to describe this framework in the scholarly literature that will ground the study (you will provide citations). Your theoretical or conceptual framework must align with the problem statement, purpose, and background of your study. This framework informs, and is informed by, the research question(s) and helps to identify research design decisions, such as the method of inquiry and data collection and analysis.
This week, you begin to identify the theoretical or conceptual framework through which you will operationalize your study and interpret its findings. You already have a theoretical or conceptual framework for your research but may not realize it. In the simplest terms, your framework is the unconscious lens, or worldview, through which you view your topic. Your challenge is to identify this background belief in the research literature and bring it to light.
Your research should include determining who originated the theory or concepts through which you view your problem. Also, review the most important research that has been conducted on this theory or concept, and consider how to relate it to your study.
Notes on the Reading
In the first reading, Single provides more practical advice in the writing process. Particularly helpful is her section on how to insert citable notes into a long outline.
Thomas provides an overview of the theoretical or conceptual framework. Theory can seem slippery. Different Professors and different authors may have varying interpretations of the same terms. Interestingly, these differing perspectives may both be correct! Thomas provides guidance on this.
Butin provides a clear and reasonable exposition of the nature of a theoretical or conceptual framework. If you are having trouble understanding the framework, read Butin first.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
· Analyze frameworks in doctoral capstone study
· Apply framework to a study
· Apply knowledge of doctoral study
Discussion: Frameworks
A theoretical framework (quantitative) or conceptual framework (qualitative) is the lens through which you view and interpret your study. In a Walden capstone study, the framework serves to ground the study in a worldview and body of previous research. This includes naming the theorist, identifying the basic tenets of the theory, and explaining the theory’s relevance and alignment with the capstone’s problem, purpose, and research questions.
To prepare:
· Review the Capstone Conceptual framework resources.
· Consider whether your study is theoretical or conceptual.
· Apply the Doctoral Capstone Rubrics and checklists to analyze and evaluate the quality of the study.
For this Discussion, review the following capstone:
Single, P. B. (2010). Demystifying dissertation writing: A streamlined process from choice of topic to final text. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
· Chapter 7, “Long Outline With References”
· Section 7.2, “Transforming a One-Page Outline Into a Long Outline (pp. 116–121)
Thomas, G. (2017). How to do your research project: A guide for students (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
· Chapter 4, “Decide on Your Question—Again (pp. 97-102)
Butin, D. W. (2010). The education dissertation: A guide for practitioner scholars. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
· Chapter 4, “Structuring Your Research” (pp. 63–69)
RE: Discussion – Week 7
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From reviewing the capstone written by Kristal Ayres, the capstone is about the systemic intervention needed for student achievement. This capstone project can be identified as a conceptual framework project. Not only is it self-identified as a conceptual framework, but it also has vital identifying features that can make a good argument for the capstone to be conceptual. Not only does the author identify the student, but the author also does a great job of telling us why it is a conceptual framework.
The author gives us the exact reason behind identifying the conceptual framework. We get clarification that “the intervention associated with this project study stems from the cognitive learning theory” (Ayres, p.19). Besides the evidence from the author themselves, we have guidance from Walden’s website, “conceptual frameworks are commonly seen in qualitative research in the social and behavioral sciences, for example,
because often one theory cannot fully address the phenomena being studied” (Academic Guides). These identifiers connect to the conceptual framework within this specific capstone.
Academic Guides: Theories and Frameworks: Introduction. (n.d.). Https://Academicguides.Waldenu.Edu/Library/Theory. Retrieved January 11, 2022, from
Ayres, K. D. (2011). A summative program evaluation of a systemic intervention on student
achievement and AP participation (Doctoral dissertation, pp. 18–21). Retrieved from
Jodine Shaw
RE: Discussion – Week 7
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Ayres (2011) completed a summative program evaluation that investigated the extent to which academic achievement, AP participation rates, and AP test scores increased among racial minority students over the 4-year implementation period of the SpringBoard curriculum. The researcher highlighted that a gap exists between minority students of various ethnicities and majority students in participation with advanced courses, thereby affecting earning a college degree. In addition, the researcher indicated the guiding question for the research which was complemented by the hypotheses. Further to that, the conceptual frameworks were highlighted for the study. The researcher mentioned that the conceptual framework for the study was the progressive logic model of the program evaluation theory, however, the intervention for the study stems from the cognitive learning theory. The researcher justified the use of each theory by indicating that the progressive logic model was used to ensure all stakeholders understood the objectives and goals of the evaluated program. While cognitive learning theory is associated with seminal researchers such as Vygotsky through the constructs of metacognition and self-regulation which is used to support the intervention of the study and the possible impact on performance.
According to Burkholder et al. (2020, p. 35), “a conceptual framework provides the orientation to the study and assists both the researcher and the reader in seeing how the study contributes to the body of knowledge on the topic, how elements of the study align, and how the study design and methodology meet rigorous research standards”. Additionally, theories and concepts frame the research and provide the context, this enables the researcher to build on or give an alternate view on previous publications (Laureate Education, 2016). The conceptual framework met the criteria for the Doctoral Capstone checklist and rubrics standards. This conclusion was met because when using the requisite standards an alignment was seen in the framework and other components of the study such as the problem, the purpose, the guiding question, the hypotheses and the research design (quantitative). The framework provided a scaffold to develop a solid research study (Laureate Education, 2016), by informing the research question, each component being a logical extension of the other and by enabling readers to see how the study would add to the body of knowledge.
Ayres, K. D. (2011). A summative program evaluation of a systemic intervention on student achievement and AP participation. (Publication No. 3487029) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M., & Hitchcock, J. H. (Eds.). (2020). Research designs and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2016). Theoretical of Conceptual Framework [Media-file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Walden University. (n.d.). EdD Dissertation Checklist – Quantitative.
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