700.3 (this project) evaluates your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Using the state standard to write learning objectives
- Aligning the rigor of the state standard to the rigor of the learning objective
- Developing a performance measure that is aligned to the state standard and is included in the learning objective
- Recognizing the basic elements of lesson planning
For 700.3, you will write two complete lesson plans and submit each one for evaluation and feedback.
The student will
MATERIALS and SETTING What materials do you need for this lesson? What is the setting? Are students in pairs, groups, stations, floor, library, science lab? |
KEY VOCABULARY and ACADEMIC LANGUAGE What vocabulary terms must students know to understand the concept being taught? |
FOCUS ACTIVITY What activity will students engage in that will pique their interest about the upcoming lesson? Think of this like a preview for an upcoming movie – something that ignites curiosity |
CONNECTION TO PRIOR LEARNING This is what you say to students about what they have already learned and how it prepares them for what they are about to learn; review what they have learned to prepare them for the upcoming lesson. |
OBJECTIVE STATEMENT (be sure to include the performance measure) This is what you say to students about what students will learn today, and how they will show they have learned the content (that is the performance measure) |
PURPOSE OF LEARNING Why do students need to learn this today? This should be written in what you will say to students and should include both why it is important to the content and why it is relevant in their lives. |
INSTRUCTIONAL STEPS Include: Step by Step Instructions Key Points Directions to give |
LITERACY STRATEGIES USED Be sure you include activities that support literacy; vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking and writing |
STUDENT USE OF TECHNOLOGY Even if you do not have enough technology devices for your students, you must include student use of technology as if you did have all the technology you need. |
6 QUESTIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING 1 question per each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy Identify the level of Bloom’s Questions should increase in complexity as lesson progresses |
MODIFICATIONS/ACCOMMODATIONS Create at least one modification/accommodation for a student with special needs, and one modification/accommodation for English language learners |
RETEACH/EXTENSION Include different activities for struggling students and for students who already understand the material |
Connect to future learning: |
Nevada700.3P Lesson Plan Rubric
Criteria Ratings
Unit Objectives 10 Pts
Unit objectives are
observable, measurable
and explicitly connected
to the specific content
and unit theme and
enhances learning across
concepts. *Provides
detailed and specific
information about all
steps and progression of
the lessons (materials,
guided practice/explore &
explain, Independent
assessment/evaluate and
closure). *Opportunities
for integrated curriculum
are detailed in each unit
element, as appropriate
for content.
culminating activity
provides most intuitive
and complete information
about student learning of
unit objectives and
7 Pts
Unit objectives are
observable, measurable
and adequately
connected to the specific
content and unit theme.
*Provides specific
information about the
steps and progression of
the unit as a whole and all
of the lessons (materials,
engagement/ opening,
guided practice/explore &
explain, Independent
assessment/ evaluate and
closure). *Opportunities
for integrated curriculum
in many unit elements, as
appropriate for content.
culminating activity is
intentionally designed to
support unit objectives
and learning.
4 Pts
Unit objectives are
observable, measurable
and listed and specific
content is identified; unit
theme/topic is relevant
*Provides adequate
information about the
steps and progression of
the unit as a whole and all
of the lessons (materials,
guided practice/explore &
explain, Independent
assessment/evaluate and
closure). *Opportunity for
integration of curriculum
in some lesson elements
is present, but limited.
culminating activity is
present, but may be
loosely connected.
1 Pt
*Unit objectives listed but
specific content is unclear
or immeasurable;
theme/topic is unclear or
disorganized. *Limited
information about lesson
elements (materials,
guided practice/explore &
explain, Independent
assessment/evaluate and
closure). *May not
include a performance
based, culminating
Level of Cognition 10 Pts.
*Level of cognition is
detailed, specific and
7 Pts
*Level of cognition is
specific and well matched
4 Pts
* Level of cognition is
identified and appropriate
1 Pt
*Level of cognition is
identified but vague
explicitly matched with
the content being
covered. *Performance
activities provide
meaningful and explicit
opportunities to engage
at the highest level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy or
Webb’s DOK appropriate
for the content.
*Continuity of rigor is
apparent and provides
explicit indication of
learning at the highest
level appropriate
throughout all elements
of unit.
with the content being
covered. *Performance
activities provide
significant evidence of
student engagement at an
appropriate level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy or
Webb’s DOK appropriate
for the content.
*Continuity of rigor is
apparent and provides
significant evidence of
learning for most students
at an appropriate level of
cognition throughout all
elements of unit.
for the content being
covered. *Performance
activities offer adequate
evidence of student
engagement at
appropriate level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy or
Webb’s DOK *Continuity
of rigor throughout all
elements of unit is logical
and adequate for unit
content, but unlikely
many students will
engage above the
minimum Bloom’s
Taxonomy or Webb’s DOK
and/or below what is
required for the content.
*Performance activities
offer limited evidence of
student engagement at
appropriate levels of
Bloom’s Taxonomy or
Webb’s DOK *Continuity
of rigor throughout unit
objectives is minimal.
Standards 10 Pts.
*Standards are identified,
specific and fully detailed;
matched with the learning
objectives, activities, and
assessments. *Sequence
of standards addressed
explicitly follows the state
standards and fully
supported by the stated
objectives. *Explicitly
builds on related, cross-
curricular concepts. The
connection between
concepts meaningfully
enhances and develops
learning. *Explicit and
7 Pts.
*Standards are identified
and specific; matched
with the learning
objectives, activities, and
assessments. *Sequence
of standards addressed is
appropriate, follows the
state standards, and
logically connected to the
stated objective(s).
*Connection to related,
cross-curricular concepts
is meaningful and
specifically indicated.
*Some evidence of
alignment between state
4 Pts.
*Standards are
adequately identified and
matched to content,
learning objectives,
activities, and
assessments. *Sequence
of standards addressed is
logical and follows the
state standard,
adequately supported by
the stated objective(s).
*Connection to related,
cross-curricular concepts
is indicated but may not
be fully developed.
1 Pt.
*Standards are minimally
identified, or vague
and/or not clearly
connected to the
objectives, activities, or
assessments. *Standards
may not be addressed in
appropriate sequence.
logical alignment between
state standard and ISTE
standard and/or TPACK
integration, where
appropriate, based on use
of technology. *Alignment
of standards is explicit and
optimizes learning
throughout unit.
standard and ISTE
standard and/or TPACK
integration, where
appropriate, based on use
of technology. *Alignment
of standards is consistent
and logical throughout
Planning for Small
Group Instruction
10 Pts.
*Explicit evidence of
planning for small group
instruction (content for
different groups, rationale
for grouping, mini-lesson
objectives, etc.) where
applicable. *Instructional
examples, teacher
modeling, or other input
is detailed and explicitly
supports the objectives
and unit activities.
*Explicit evidence of
consideration of teacher’s
role throughout the unit
(facilitator, direct
instruction, specialist,
etc.). *Multiple strategies
for learning unit content
are available to students.
*Unit is planned in a way
that offers the highest
level of curriculum
7 Pts.
*Specific evidence of
planning for small group
instruction (content for
different groups, rationale
for grouping, mini-lesson
objectives, etc.) where
applicable. *Instructional
examples, teacher
modeling, or other input
is specifically aligned with
objective and unit
activities. *Teacher’s role
(facilitator, direct-
instruction, specialist,
etc.) is considered and
apparent throughout the
unit. *Unit takes
advantage of natural
opportunities for
curriculum integration.
4 Pts.
Adequate evidence of
planning for small group
instruction (content for
different groups, rationale
for grouping, mini-lesson
objectives, etc.) where
applicable. *Instructional
examples, teacher
modeling, or other input
is adequately aligned, but
may lack detail or be
loosely supportive of the
objectives and unit
1 Pt.
*Minimal or no evidence
of planning for small
group instruction (content
for different groups,
rationale for grouping,
mini-lesson objectives,
etc.) where applicable.
*Instructional examples,
teacher modeling, or
other input is not aligned
with objectives or unit
integration possible for
the content.
Assessment 10 Pts.
Assessment provides
detailed information
about student learning
and explicitly matches
objectives, learning
activities and outcomes.
*Assessments are fully
supported by the state
standards addressed and
the content covered by
the unit lessons. *Detailed
information about the
types of assessments,
formal: (constructed
response/etc.) or
informal: (observation,
discussion, journal
writing, etc.). *Technology
is used to assess learning
in a nontraditional or
creative manner and may
include student input in
evaluation tool creation,
criteria determination and
self-monitoring, where
appropriate. *Assessment
considers diverse student
needs and offers valid
information about
7 Pts.
*Assessment provides
meaningful information
about student learning
and matches objectives,
learning activities and
outcomes *Assessments is
appropriately connected
to the state standards
addressed and the
content covered by the
unit lessons. *Adequate
information about the
types of assessment,
formal: (constructed
response/etc.) or
informal: (observation,
discussion, journal
writing, etc.). *Technology
is used to assess learning
in a traditional manner,
where developmentally
*Assessments within unit
are aligned with an end of
unit, culminating
4 Pts.
*Assessment provides
adequate information
about student learning
and is consistent with
objectives, learning
activities and outcomes.
*Assessments are
connected to the state
standards addressed and
the content covered by
the unit lessons.
*Adequate information
about the types of
assessments, formal:
response/etc.) or
informal: (observation,
discussion, journal
writing, etc.).
1 Pt
*Assessment provides
minimal information
about student learning
and is only loosely
connected to the
objectives and learning
activities and outcomes
*Assessments may not be
connected to the state
standard(s) addressed and
the content covered by
the unit lessons. *Minimal
information about the
types of assessments,
formal: (constructed
response/etc.) or
informal: (observation,
discussion, journal
writing, etc.).
student learning.
*Assessments within unit
are explicitly aligned with
and supportive of an end
of unit, culminating