For this milestone, you will formulate recommendations based on the work you have analyzed on your policy issue so far. Instructor feedback on this milestone should be incorporated into the final policy analysis.
Overview: For this milestone, due in Module Five, you will formulate recommendations based on the work you have done so far in analyzing your policy issue.
Instructor feedback on this milestone should be incorporated into the final policy analysis.
Prompt: First, review your Milestone One and Milestone Two submissions and any instructor feedback. Use the information detailed in these milestones to
directly inform this third and final milestone. Your evaluation and analysis of the gaps or limitations to the aging-policy issue, specifically, will inform the
recommendations you formulate and describe in this milestone. Restate the aging-policy issue and address the following:
Recommendations: Identify and describe one to two tangible recommendations to address the gaps or limitations to the aging-policy issue that you
included in your Milestone Two policy analysis; focus on small-scale, feasible recommendations and how they will supplement the policy as it currently
Perspectives: Describe how competing perspectives drive or direct these policy recommendations.
Reception: Predict how these policy recommendations will be received by competing stakeholders. How will they perceive these policy
Social Justice: Discuss how the policy issue is a social justice issue and how it relates to the concept of elder justice specifically. Consider how the issue
impacts the wider population.
Filling the Gaps: How will these recommendations help to fill the gaps or address the limitations you have identified in the existing policy with respect to
social justice and elder well-being?
Instructor feedback on this milestone should be incorporated into the final project.
Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Three should be 2 to 3 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and the latest
edition of the APA manual for formatting and citations.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Recommendations Identifies and describes one to two
tangible recommendations to address
the gaps or limitations to the selected
aging-policy issue
Identifies and describes one to two
recommendations to address the gaps
or limitations to the selected aging-
policy issue but description is lacking in
detail or recommendations are not
relevant to selected issue
Does not identify or describe one to two
recommendations to address the gaps
or limitations to the selected aging-
policy issue
Perspectives Describes how competing perspectives
drive or direct policy recommendations
Describes how competing perspectives
drive or direct recommendations but
description is cursory or lacking in detail
Does not describe how competing
perspectives drive or direct
Reception Predicts how recommendations will be
received by competing stakeholders
Predicts how recommendations will be
received by competing stakeholders but
discussion is cursory or lacking in detail
Does not predict how recommendations
will be received by competing
Social Justice Discusses how the policy issue is a social
justice issue and how it relates to the
concept of elder justice specifically
Discusses how the policy issue is a social
justice issue, but does not sufficiently
discuss how it relates to the concept of
elder justice specifically
Does not discuss how the policy issue is
a social justice issue
Filling the Gaps Explains how recommendations will
help to fill the gaps or address the
limitations identified in the existing
policy with respect to social justice and
elder well-being
Explains how recommendations will
help to fill the gaps or address the
limitations identified in the existing
policy with respect to social justice and
elder well-being but explanation is
cursory or lacking in detail
Does not explain how recommendations
will help to fill the gaps or address the
limitations identified in the existing
policy with respect to social justice and
elder well-being
Articulation of
Submission has no major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax,
or organization
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent
understanding of ideas
Total 100%
- CHE 329 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric