Language may be one of the most important distinctions between us, humans, and our closest relatives in the community of life. While animals can communicate thoughts with great efficiency (think of the pheromones of ants, the dance of bees, the vocalizations of crows), no other system has the complexity, the flexibility, or the richness of human languages. While we have an instinctual propensity to acquire language, especially at a young age, the actual languages we learn will shape our minds and thoughts. We then navigate most of our lives using this amazing skill. Think of it this way: Would you have been able to demonstrate your capacity for attention or memory without being able to read the instructions? The question is: Does the mind shape the language? Or does the language that you speak shape how you think?
In these labs, you will discover how mastery of a specific language influences the speed and accuracy of processing verbal information. When doing these labs, you should ask yourself how much of our processing of words is passive, versus how much of it is about anticipating the next word. Are we receiving information or are we looking for what makes the most sense?
Complete the following labs:
- Word Superiority
- Lexical Decision
Then complete the
Module Five Lab Worksheet Template
. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
- Record data and include screenshots of results for all module labs.
- For the Word Superiority lab, address lab questions accurately.
- For the Lexical Decision lab, address lab questions accurately.
- Address the module question accurately.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit your completed Module Five Lab Worksheet Template.
PSY 375 Module Five Lab Worksheet Template
Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. All responses to lab questions should be in your own words or paraphrased.
Word Superiority Lab
· Insert your data in the table below.
Stimulus Type
Proportion Correct
Reaction Time (ms)
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert value]
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert value]
· Insert a screenshot of the lab output below.
[Insert screenshot]
Lab Questions
· How does the pattern of your individual data relate to the pattern of results predicted?
[Insert text]
· What does this lab tell us about reading as a bottom-up or top-down process? What do you think would happen when learning a new language?
[Insert text]
Lexical Decision Lab
· Insert your data in the table below.
Reaction Time (ms)
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
[Insert text]
[Insert value]
· Insert a screenshot of the lab output below.
[Insert screenshot]
Lab Questions
· How does the pattern of your individual data relate to the pattern of results predicted?
[Insert text]
· What does this lab suggest in the role of top-down processing when reading? What does it reveal about a “web of concepts”?
[Insert text]
Module Question
· These labs are all about recognizing elements of your language quickly and accurately. We tend to think of reading as a passive skill because it’s automatized. What do you think these labs tell us about what needs to happen for artificial intelligence (think Alexa and Siri) to recognize and process language as quickly and efficiently as we do? What do you think we are still better at doing compared to AI when it comes to language?
[Insert text]