This milestone will allow you to complete the Analysis portion of your final project.
Analyze the strategic management practices of the three organizations. As you complete this milestone, consider the following questions:
Strategic Management: Compare the elements of strategic planning and the strategic management process that were utilized by the three organizations. In other words, how did the organizations apply elements of the strategic management process? What worked and why?
Resource Alignment: Assess the alignment of the three organizations’ discrete resources to the organizational visions.
Resource Allocation Decisions: Describe how the organizations’ resource allocation decisions were altered or guided by the strategic planning and management process. In other words, how did the organizations apply elements of the strategic management process to align resources to organizational vision?
Outcome Evaluation: Describe the qualitative and quantitative measures that were used to evaluate the program outcomes.
Best Practices: Identify the best practices used by the three organizations to increase the effectiveness of program outcomes.
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Create a cost-benefit analysis that identifies the costs, benefits, and risks associated with program or process redesign in the three organizations.
Constraints: Describe the constraints facing the three organizations. Examples of constraints include diffused leadership, limited managerial autonomy, politically defined performance outcomes for programs, and legal requirements.
Private Sector Techniques: Analyze the private sector strategic planning techniques used by the three organizations to address the constraints you described. Support your response with specific examples of instances when the organizations used private sector techniques instead of public sector techniques.
To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document. see attached.
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PD: Rockstar225!
Required Resources
Textbook: Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Chapter 8
What are the elements that are necessary to have an effective vision statement?
Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between a mission statement and a vision statement in terms of the organization and individual organization members.
· Explain how seemingly inconsequential actions can have a significant impact when guided by a strong vision of success.
· What are the characteristics of a nonprofit agency and/or its operating environment that pose specific challenges to the development of an organizational vision?
PAD 631 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: This milestone will allow you to complete the Analysis portion of your final project.
Prompt: Analyze the strategic management practices of the three organizations.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
II. Analysis: In this section of your white paper, you will analyze the strategic management practices of the three organizations. Specifically, you should
address the following:
A. Strategic Management: Compare the elements of strategic planning and the strategic management process that were utilized by the three
organizations. In other words, how did the organizations apply elements of the strategic management process? What worked and why?
B. Resource Alignment: Assess the alignment of the three organizations’ discrete resources to the organizational visions.
C. Resource Allocation Decisions: Describe how the organizations’ resource allocation decisions were altered or guided by the strategic planning
and management process. In other words, how did the organizations apply elements of the strategic management process to align resources to
organizational vision?
D. Outcome Evaluation: Describe the qualitative and quantitative measures that were used to evaluate the program outcomes.
E. Best Practices: Identify the best practices used by the three organizations to increase the effectiveness of program outcomes.
F. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Create a cost-benefit analysis that identifies the costs, benefits, and risks associated with program or process redesign in
the three organizations.
G. Constraints: Describe the constraints facing the three organizations. Examples of constraints include defused leadership, limited managerial
autonomy, politically defined performance outcomes for programs, and legal requirements.
H. Private Sector Techniques: Analyze the private sector strategic planning techniques used by the three organizations to address the constraints
you described. Support your response with specific examples of instances when the organizations used private sector techniques instead of
public sector techniques.
Guidelines for Submission: Your draft of the Analysis portion of your final project should adhere to the following formatting requirements: 7–10 pages, double-
spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You should use current APA style guidelines for your citations and reference list, including
a minimum of six sources.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (90%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Analysis: Strategic
Compares elements of strategic
planning and management process
utilized by the three organizations
Compares elements of strategic
planning and management process
utilized by the three organizations, but
with gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not compare elements of strategic
planning and management process
utilized by the three organizations
Analysis: Resource
Assesses alignment of the three
organizations’ discrete resources to
organizational visions
Assesses alignment of the three
organizations’ discrete resources to
organizational visions, but assessment
is cursory or inaccurate
Does not assess alignment of the three
organizations’ discrete resources to
organizational visions
Analysis: Resource
Allocation Decisions
Describes how the organization’s
resource allocation decisions were
altered or guided by the strategic
planning and management process
Describes how the organization’s
resource allocation decisions were
altered or guided by the strategic
planning and management process, but
with gaps in clarity or detail
Does not describe how the
organization’s resource allocation
decisions were altered or guided by the
strategic planning and management
Analysis: Outcome
Describes the qualitative and
quantitative measures that were used
to evaluate the program outcomes
Describes the qualitative and
quantitative measures that were used
to evaluate the program outcomes, but
with gaps in clarity or detail
Does not describe the qualitative and
quantitative measures that were used
to evaluate the program outcomes
Analysis: Best
Identifies best practices used by the
three organizations to increase
effectiveness of program outcomes
Identifies best practices used by the
three organizations to increase
effectiveness of program outcomes, but
with gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not identify best practices used by
the three organizations to increase
effectiveness of program outcomes
Analysis: Cost-
Benefit Analysis
Creates a cost-benefit analysis that
identifies the costs, benefits, and risks
associated with program or process
redesign in the three organizations
Creates a cost-benefit analysis that
identifies the costs, benefits, and risks
associated with program or process
redesign in the three organizations, but
analysis is cursory or inaccurate
Does not create a cost-benefit analysis
that identifies the costs, benefits, and
risks associated with program or
process redesign in the three
Analysis: Constraints Describes the constraints facing the
three organizations
Describes the constraints facing the
three organizations, but with gaps in
clarity or detail
Does not describe the constraints facing
the three organizations
Analysis: Private
Sector Techniques
Analyzes private sector strategic
planning techniques used by the three
organizations to address constraints
and supports response with specific
examples of instances when the
organizations used private sector
techniques instead of public sector
Analyzes private sector planning
techniques used by the three
organizations to address constraints
and supports response with specific
examples of instances when the
organizations used private sector
techniques instead of public sector
techniques, but analysis has gaps in
accuracy, detail, or support
Does not analyze private sector
planning techniques used by the three
organizations to address constraints
and does not support response with
specific examples of instances when the
organizations used private sector
techniques instead of public sector
Articulation of
Submission has no major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax,
or organization
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent
understanding of ideas
Total 100%
3-1 Final Project Milestone One: Introduction
January 19,2022
Sierra Club
Sierra Club is an environmental organization that operates in all the US states, promoting the importance of preserving the environment. The environment is primarily polluted, and Sierra Club is doing all it can to bring people together to develop solutions for protecting the environment. Sierra Club has organized over four thousand rallies and events for different causes like racism, mainly focusing on environmental issues (About the Sierra Club, n.d.). Sierra Club, over recent years, they have been lobbying the government to promote environmentally friendly practices by implementing policies that promote environmental conservation (About the Sierra Club, n.d.). Sierra Club focuses on promoting environmental sustainability, solving and preventing further global warming and its effects, and using coal by large manufacturing companies. Sierra Club does not only deal with ecological protests; they organize outdoor activities like rock climbing, camping, and wilderness excursions for its members. Sierra Club’s vision states that they envision themselves being an inclusive, diverse, and knowledgeable movement that has achieved a sustainable environment making their achievement an inspiration to other communities (About the Sierra Club, n.d.). Its mission includes exploring and protecting the wild areas of the earth, promoting effective and responsible use of the environment and its resources, and educating people on protecting and restoring the natural environment (About the Sierra Club, n.d.).
Disney Corporation
The Walt Disney Company, popularly known as Disney corporation, is a multinational entertainment company that aims at entertaining and inspiring its viewers. Disney began as an animation production company, and with time it grew its products and services. Disney products and services include Walt Disney Pictures, responsible for several film production companies (About the Walt Disney Company, n.d.). The products and services also include the ABC broadcast network, several cable services like Disney Chanel, Live streaming services like Disney+, several theme parks in the country hotels and cruise ship lines (About the Walt Disney Company, n.d.). Disney focuses on innovation to create new and customized products for its customers due to the high competition in the film production industry and live streaming services. The vision of Disney is to be among the leading producers, entertainers, and information in the world (About the Walt Disney Company, n.d.). Disney’s mission is to entertain and inform its users through storytelling using innovation and technology, making Disney the premium entertainment company globally (About the Walt Disney Company, n.d.).
Miami-Dade County Florida
Miami-Dade County in southeastern Florida is the largest county in Florida State. Miami-Dade County has more than two million five hundred people making it the most populous county in Florida. The urban areas are the most populated, with the rural area being scattered, creating room for agricultural activities. Redland is a farming area, covering around a third of the Miami-Dade County (Welcome to Miami-Dade County, n.d.). A mayor rules Miami-Dade County who is elected by the county citizens and serves a four-year term with the help of twenty-five directors of the County Commission (Welcome to Miami-Dade County, n.d.). Miami-Dade County serves as the headquarters of several successful businesses like Burger King and Brightstar Corporation, making it a thriving business hub (Welcome to Miami-Dade County, n.d.). The several companies located and headquartered in the county provide the citizens with job opportunities reducing unemployment. The services that Miami-Dade County provides its citizens include fires service services, The police department, The corrections department, public libraries, and education services. The vision for Miami-Dade County is to provide excellent services to its citizens at all times (Strategic Planning and Resilience 2020, n.d.). The mission state is delivering outstanding services to its citizens, addressing the issues that the community is facing enhancing the quality of life for its citizens (Strategic Planning and Resilience 2020, n.d.).
About The Sierra Club. (n.d.). Sierra Club. Retrieved from
About the Walt Disney Company. (n.d.). The Walt Disney Company. Retrieved from
Strategic Planning and Resilience 2020. (n.d.). Miami-Dade County. Retrieved from’s%20Mission%20Statement,now%20and%20in%20the%20future%E2%80%9D
Welcome to Miami-Dade County. (n.d.). Miami-Dade County. Retrieved from