E3I Individual abilities and strategies for effective teamwork
After completion of this lesson, students will provide evidence that they are able to:
Improve individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork.
Use the
links below or the Word/View/Navigation Pane tool to quickly move around this lesson.
What is your recent experience as an academic team member?
What is a team?
What is teamwork?
Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork
E3I-1 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork. Canvas quiz.
E3I-2 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork.
Essay. Canvas file upload.
E3I-1 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork. Canvas quiz.
E3I-2 assignment: Characteristics of good team members. Essay. Canvas file upload.
What is your recent experience as an academic team member?
Recent past assignments requiring teamwork
Team sizes
Instruction in “teamwork”?
Your assessment of the team approach?
What is a team?
Two or more people working together toward a common goal.
What is teamwork?
-The combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient. (
-That which is achieved when a group of people:
work together cohesively,
towards a common goal,
creating a positive working atmosphere, and
supporting each other to combine individual strengths to enhance team performance. (ref)
Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork
– 7 Characteristics of Good Team Members (
-Provides unique and complementary skills and/or knowledge that move the team forward
-Brings expertise in some aspect of the team challenge
-A team is only as strong as its weakest member?
-The team’s purpose is not to educate or drag along a weak member!
-Every member has areas of strength and some weak spots.
Honest and Straightforward
-A good team member is up front.
-You can count on a good team member to say what’s what, regardless of whether it is good news or bad news.
Shares the Load
-Does his or her fair share of the work
-Has a sense of equity and fairness
-Critically important for team members’ collective motivation
-Can be counted on
-She or he meets deadlines and is on time
-Will not take credit for someone else’s work
-Will take credit only when and where appropriate
Good Communication Skills
-Teamwork is social
-Good team members need to be skilled, and tactful, communicators.
Positive Attitude
No one would ever follow a pessimistic leader, and the same goes for team members. A positive, “can-do” attitude is critical for the good team member.
Read this document
15 qualities of a great team member
E3I-1 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork. Canvas quiz.
Answer these review questions and then transfer your answers to Canvas E3I-1 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies for effective teamwork. Canvas quiz.
1. Identify the best definition of a team as presented in this lesson.
Two or more people working together because they were told by their employer to work together.
b. Two or more people working independently but toward a common goal.
c. Two or more people working together toward a common goal.
d. None of the above.
2. A team does not automatically produce teamwork. Identify all statements that accurately describe teamwork as presented in this lesson.
a. The combined action of a group of people without regard for objective.
b. The combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.
c. That which is achieved when a group of people work together cohesively, towards a common goal, creating a positive working atmosphere, and supporting each other to combine individual strengths to enhance team performance.
d. All the above.
3. This teamwork lesson presented seven characteristics of a good team members. For each characteristic on the left, identify one statement on the right which helps define that characteristic.
D _____ Honest and Straightforward
a. Does his or her fair share of the work
F _____ Fair
b. Can be counted on
E _____ Good Communication Skills
c. No one would ever follow a pessimistic leader, and the same goes for team members.
G _____ Competent
d. You can count on a good team member to say what’s what, regardless of whether it is good news or bad news.
e. Teamwork is social
A _____ Shares the Load
f. Will not take credit for someone else’s work
B _____ Reliable
g. Provides unique and complementary skills and/or knowledge that move the team forward
4. The article on the
15 qualities of a great team member addressed additional characteristics of a good team member. For each characteristic on the left, identify one statement on the right which helps define that characteristic.
_____ Self aware |
a. Good managers want dependable employees who they can assign a task to and know that it’ll be completed by the set deadline. |
_____ Empathetic |
b. Being able to accept your weaknesses while focusing all of your attention on your strengths. |
_____ Detail oriented |
c. This comes down to a willingness to learn new information and pick up new skills. |
_____ Autonomous |
d. Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. |
_____ Adaptable |
e. You pay close attention to the small things. |
_____ Persistent |
f. Treat people how you want to be treated. |
E3I-2 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork. Essay. Canvas file upload.
Reset the Grammarly goals to:
Write an essay in Word ( x) addressing:
most important individual abilities or strategies of a good team member
as presented in this lesson
plus one
characteristic not presented in this lesson
you want to emphasize for yourself
as you participate in teamwork assignments in this course and beyond.
1. The essay must be at least 200-words-minimum.
Required format.
E3I-2 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork.
As presented in the E3I lesson, I believe that one of the most important individual abilities or strategies that contributes to effective teamwork is ________. I intend to emphasize this for myself because ______
As presented in the E3I lesson, I believe that another of the most important individual abilities or strategies that contribute to effective teamwork is ________. I intend to emphasize this for myself because ______
Although not presented directly in the E3I lesson, I believe that another important individual ability or strategy that contributes to effective teamwork is ________. I intend to emphasize this for myself because ______
The number of Grammarly errors remaining ______.
3. Check your essay with Grammarly and correct critical errors according to Grammarly’s suggestions. Reject suggestions at your peril!
4. Save the file as LastName_E3-I x, e.g., Cain_E3-I x.
5. Upload the file to the Canvas E3I-1 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork.
Scoring rubric:
Lost points
Met 200 word requirement.
Followed format
Two characteristics realistically addressed
One other characteristic realistically addressed
The number of Grammarly issues.
Minus any late penalties.
On completion of this lesson, students will provide evidence that they are able to:
E3I Improve individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork.
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E3I_lesson_Individual_abilities_and_strategies_for_effective_teamwork x
completion of this lesson
, students will
provide evidence that they
are able
individual abilities and strategies required for effective
Use the Overview links below or the Word/View/Navigation Pane tool to quickly move around
this lesson.
What is your recent experience as an academic team member?
What is a team?
What is teamwork?
Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork
1 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork. Canvas
2 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork. Essay.
Canvas file upload.
E3I_lesson_Individual_abilities_and_strategies_for_effective_teamwork x 1
After completion of this lesson, students will provide evidence that they are able to:
E3I Improve individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork.
Use the Overview links below or the Word/View/Navigation Pane tool to quickly move around
this lesson.
Assignments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
What is your recent experience as an academic team member? ………………………………………….. 2
What is a team? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
What is teamwork? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork ………………………………………. 2
E3I-1 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork. Canvas
quiz. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
E3I-2 assignment: Individual abilities and strategies required for effective teamwork. Essay.
Canvas file upload. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7