please see attached
MIDTERM Short-Answer Exam
100 Points
Overview: This open-book midterm examination assesses your understanding and mastery of the
theories and principles of personality introduced in the first four weeks of the term. This is an
opportunity to demonstrate your learning. It consists of 4 short-answer questions. You may only use
your Allen (2016) textbook or required session readings for this assignment.
Instructions: Please answer each of the following 4 questions (25 points each) using the following
guidelines. Review them very carefully before starting the exam; be sure t answer all parts of a given
Grading: Determined by the rubric
• Use question as a header for your response – Be sure to address each element of the question
• Course textbook (Allen, 2016) and required weekly readings are required sources for each question;
response elements based on outside readings cannot earn credit
• You may not consult with another person in developing your responses; honor code applies
• Direct quotes may not be used and will not earn credit for portion of response in which they appear
• In-text citations with page numbers are required to document sources
• Turnitin is used to review papers – please review test results before final submission
• Material not in the student’s own words will not earn credit.
• Exam must be submitted by DUE Date on syllabus
Short Answer Questions
1. Psychologists study personality through research methods. Describe the traditional research models
discussed in Allen (2016). Explain what Watson (n.d.) means by objective and projective tests. According
to Watson’s article, what strengths and limitations does each possess? Define the concepts of reliability
and validity How do they relate t the study of personality? Be specific in your explanation. (25 points)
2. Select one aspect of Freud’s theory from Allen (2016) that you might accept as plausible/relevant to
your life. Fully explain its relevance to you through an example. What improvements/refinements do
Jung and Adler make to Freud’s original theory as explained by Allen (2016)? Be specific. (25 points)
3. Outline the “improvements” Erikson made on Freud’s original theory as explained by Allen (2016). (Do
not outline the stages.) Imagine you wanted to see a psychologist to help you with feelings of
inadequacy. There are 2 therapists in your area- Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Horney. Which therapist would you
see? Why? Explain your answer using principles from their models. (25 points)
4. The notion of “attachment” as described by Thompson (2021) is an important concept as it relates to
mother/child relationships and is found to influence personality development in several theories. Define
and discuss the importance of attachment as presented by Thompson. How might this impact an
individual using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model? Be specific. According to Allen (2016), why is
Rogers’ theory considered humanistic? Provide an example. (25 points)
MIDTERM Short-Answer Exam
100 Points
Overview: This open-book midterm examination assesses your understanding and mastery of the
theories and principles of personality introduced in the first four weeks of the term. This is an
opportunity to demonstrate your learning. It consists of 4 short-answer questions. You may only use
your Allen (2016) textbook or required session readings for this assignment.
Instructions: Please answer each of the following 4 questions (25 points each) using the following
guidelines. Review them very carefully before starting the exam; be sure t answer all parts of a given
Grading: Determined by the rubric
• Use question as a header for your response – Be sure to address each element of the question
• Course textbook (Allen, 2016) and required weekly readings are required sources for each question;
response elements based on outside readings cannot earn credit
• You may not consult with another person in developing your responses; honor code applies
• Direct quotes may not be used and will not earn credit for portion of response in which they appear
• In-text citations with page numbers are required to document sources
• Turnitin is used to review papers – please review test results before final submission
• Material not in the student’s own words will not earn credit.
• Exam must be submitted by DUE Date on syllabus
Short Answer Questions
1. Psychologists study personality through research methods. Describe the traditional research models
discussed in Allen (2016). Explain what Watson (n.d.) means by objective and projective tests. According
to Watson’s article, what strengths and limitations does each possess? Define the concepts of reliability
and validity How do they relate t the study of personality? Be specific in your explanation. (25 points)
2. Select one aspect of Freud’s theory from Allen (2016) that you might accept as plausible/relevant to
your life. Fully explain its relevance to you through an example. What improvements/refinements do
Jung and Adler make to Freud’s original theory as explained by Allen (2016)? Be specific. (25 points)
3. Outline the “improvements” Erikson made on Freud’s original theory as explained by Allen (2016). (Do
not outline the stages.) Imagine you wanted to see a psychologist to help you with feelings of
inadequacy. There are 2 therapists in your area- Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Horney. Which therapist would you
see? Why? Explain your answer using principles from their models. (25 points)
4. The notion of “attachment” as described by Thompson (2021) is an important concept as it relates to
mother/child relationships and is found to influence personality development in several theories. Define
and discuss the importance of attachment as presented by Thompson. How might this impact an
individual using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model? Be specific. According to Allen (2016), why is
Rogers’ theory considered humanistic? Provide an example. (25 points)
MIDTERM Short-Answer Exam
100 Points
Overview: This open-book midterm examination assesses your understanding and mastery of the
theories and principles of personality introduced in the first four weeks of the term. This is an
opportunity to demonstrate your learning. It consists of 4 short-answer questions. You may only use
your Allen (2016) textbook or required session readings for this assignment.
Instructions: Please answer each of the following 4 questions (25 points each) using the following
guidelines. Review them very carefully before starting the exam; be sure t answer all parts of a given
Grading: Determined by the rubric
• Use question as a header for your response – Be sure to address each element of the question
• Course textbook (Allen, 2016) and required weekly readings are required sources for each question;
response elements based on outside readings cannot earn credit
• You may not consult with another person in developing your responses; honor code applies
• Direct quotes may not be used and will not earn credit for portion of response in which they appear
• In-text citations with page numbers are required to document sources
• Turnitin is used to review papers – please review test results before final submission
• Material not in the student’s own words will not earn credit.
• Exam must be submitted by DUE Date on syllabus
Short Answer Questions
1. Psychologists study personality through research methods. Describe the traditional research models
discussed in Allen (2016). Explain what Watson (n.d.) means by objective and projective tests. According
to Watson’s article, what strengths and limitations does each possess? Define the concepts of reliability
and validity How do they relate t the study of personality? Be specific in your explanation. (25 points)
2. Select one aspect of Freud’s theory from Allen (2016) that you might accept as plausible/relevant to
your life. Fully explain its relevance to you through an example. What improvements/refinements do
Jung and Adler make to Freud’s original theory as explained by Allen (2016)? Be specific. (25 points)
3. Outline the “improvements” Erikson made on Freud’s original theory as explained by Allen (2016). (Do
not outline the stages.) Imagine you wanted to see a psychologist to help you with feelings of
inadequacy. There are 2 therapists in your area- Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Horney. Which therapist would you
see? Why? Explain your answer using principles from their models. (25 points)
4. The notion of “attachment” as described by Thompson (2021) is an important concept as it relates to
mother/child relationships and is found to influence personality development in several theories. Define
and discuss the importance of attachment as presented by Thompson. How might this impact an
individual using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model? Be specific. According to Allen (2016), why is
Rogers’ theory considered humanistic? Provide an example. (25 points)