Both Company A and Company B are looking to be more multiracially inclusive.
Company A’s strategy:
- Sending out monthly emails on Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Women’s Month, etc., and letting employees and clients know about key figures, and sending statements they support.
- Hosting quarterly potlucks where members bring food representing their culture or dress using cultural garments.
- Changing their tagline to add the word “diverse” (“Serving diverse clients since 1995”).
Company B’s strategy:
- Hosting job fairs in underserved communities and doing on-the-spot hiring.
- Intense regular training of employees and hiring officials who address antiracism and creating equitable organizations.
- Making sure the demographics of the Board of Directors matches the diversity of clients and community.
- Regular self-study to make sure there are no glass ceilings in promotions or wage gap differentials within the organization.
Which company do you think has a more effective strategy and why? What’s wrong with the one you didn’t choose?