easy to understandinggood grammar
A. As a follow up to the end of last week’s class (week 5) and thinking about the power of language, take a look at the BBC article discussed in class,
“Top Politician says Australia was Invaded.” (Links to an external site.)
What is an example of the power of language in your own life shaping a narrative you have grown up with and/or find present today? Or an example of language being used to either discriminate or to empower? You can choose to attach a media piece or cultural text here or simply identify and discuss an example.
B. The reading and videos for week 6 discusses four conflict styles: discussion, engagement, accommodation, and dynamic. Identify and describe the style that most resonates with you and your preferred approach to conflict. Give an example of how you’ve demonstrated this conflict style in the approach to a particular conflict. Which conflict style would you say you are least comfortable with engaging and why? What cultural values do you believe may be present in your preferred and least preferred conflict styles?