Topic: Population- Adolescents— Risk Behavior- Pregnancy , Community – Chicago
I. Statement of the Problem
A. Discuss the scope and nature of the risk behavior requiring change (Pregnancy). Identify the affected population and community for the proposed program (adolescents). The specific behavior you intend to change. Briefly explain why you chose to research this behavior and population. And how is it relevant to your future field of community health education.
B. Analyze the social determinants of health- and social justice-related disparities that impact the distribution of this behavior in the community, and discuss disparities specific to the affected population. Incorporate patterns, trends, and demographic information on the behavior and affected populations in the problem statement rationale.
C. Include a description of the environmental, geographic, social, economic, and cultural characteristics of the community, and how this proposed program will improve the health, safety, and quality of life for the affected population in the community.
Submission- 4 pages, APA, at least three sources cited in APA format.
Provide links to two health programs that currently address this risk behavior.
Adolescent Pregnancy
Student Name
Several risk factors are associated with teenage pregnancies
These includes the family history of teenager. The given risks and the realities that are linked to teenage motherhood are well documented in several research papers. Adolescents give birth to children that are more likely to be preterm born. The children have a low birth weight which is more common in teenage pregnancies and teenage births (GM. Kassa & AO. Arowojolu et al. 2018). The risk factors of teenage pregnancies have prerequisite risk factors. Research conducted in Africa showed that the rate of pregnancy in adolescents is rising in most developing countries and in remote areas. This age group is characterized by the peculiar physical, social and psychological health characteristics related to reproduction (GM. Kassa & AO. Arowojolu et al. 2018).
An African study showed that one-fifth of adolescents become pregnant. There are attributing factors that tend to lead to these pregnancies, including the residence and the marital status of the individual. Some sociodemographic factors also include the educational status of the adolescents in the community, the lack of communication & interactions between parents and/or given guardians. And the adolescent’s version of positive topics of pregnancy and the sexual immorality that can face the community (GM. Kassa & AO. Arowojolu et al. 2018). There are interventions and social works that have been put in place to target the critical factors in reducing the number of adolescents getting pregnant. This has been declared a significant problem in public health and, most importantly, Africa. There are governmental and non-governmental organizations that help reduce adolescent pregnancy rates (GM. Kassa & AO. Arowojolu et al. 2018).
Globally, there are around 1 in 6 people that are deemed adolescent. Most of them are generally aged between 10 years to 19 years of age. More than 70 000 girls die all over the world due to complications related to adolescent pregnancies (GM. Kassa & AO. Arowojolu et al. 2018). Most of the children born by adolescents tend to have a high mortality rate because many disorders are related to adolescent pregnancies. These disorders include hypertensive, mental health, substance abuse and infections during pregnancy or birth. Most children are born with a low birth weight that can ultimately leads to death. Most of the deliveries come before the end of 9 months, and this is referred to as preterm delivery, which is more common in most adolescent pregnancies (GM. Kassa & AO. Arowojolu et al. 2018).
Several factors contribute to early pregnancy. And they tend to vary in different countries. They are generally referred to as the sociodemographic characteristics of the community that a given group of people is in. The first common factor was the parent to adolescent and how they communicate to their children about sex and teenage pregnancies (HW. Chung & EM. Kim, et al. 2018). An assessment was done on the given association between parents communication on the SRH and the pregnancy levels of the given adolescents. The study also shows an increase in the prevalence of adolescent pregnancies attributed to the morbidity and mortality rate of infants in different African countries. The other major cause of this is that these countries experience poverty and poor health services that can help them (HW. Chung & EM. Kim, et al. 2018).
Most of these adolescents that tend to get pregnant have a poor educational background. Some tend to leave school due to early pregnancies. Children born to teens perform worse on many measures of school readiness and are 50 percent more likely to repeat a grade ( 2018). They don’t have enough educational exposure to know the effects of unprotected sex and the early pregnancies prevention methods (HW. Chung & EM. Kim, et al. 2018). Some girls are from low-income families, and for them to get the basic needs or the essential things that they require for survival, they are forced to have sex with those who are able and older to be given the essentials. There are programs in different developing countries that have been placed to help in educating girls and school adolescent children on the possible ways of abstaining and preventing early pregnancies. These programs also aim to educate parents on the essence of education and talk to their children about early sex and pregnancies. It gives the parents the essence of also providing for their children when in need so that they don’t think of any other options when they are in need (HW. Chung & EM. Kim, et al. 2018).
These factors are being resolved mainly with most non-governmental and governmental organizations that help in preventing these early pregnancies. These need the help of parents; parents should be clear on their sexual values and attitudes. This will make it easier for them to talk to their children about sex and its consequences (BO. Ahinkorah & M. Kang, et al., 2021). The other factor is the help of the teachers that tend to interact with these children. They should add topics like sex and early pregnancies in their classes. This will create more awareness, and girls will protect themselves against early pregnancies. The other factor is these organizations should provide essentials like sanitary towels to those children from developing countries and families that are unable to. This will help and assist in getting a platform to educate them and create awareness (BO. Ahinkorah & M. Kang, et al., 2021).
The organizations can also help by offering relevant scholarships to the girls from unable families to get the required education. This will also help them in reducing adolescent pregnancies. Law should also be placed on the adults that tend to violate the rights of young children in one way or the other so that they can provide them with what they need. This law should be taken severely after being installed, and the people that break the law taken into custody for severe punishment (BO. Ahinkorah & M. Kang, et al. 2021). Adolescent pregnancy has shown to be a global problem, mainly in developing countries. It requires the efforts of the parents, teachers, organizations, both governmental and non-governmental and the individual adolescents to ensure that they reduce the rates of adolescent pregnancies (BO. Ahinkorah & M. Kang, et al. 2021).
Chung, H. W., Kim, E. M., & Lee, J. E. (2018). Comprehensive understanding of risk and protective factors related to adolescent pregnancy in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Journal of adolescence, 69, 180-188.
Kassa, G. M., Arowojolu, A. O., Odukogbe, A. A., & Yalew, A. W. (2018). Prevalence and determinants of adolescent pregnancy in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Reproductive health, 15(1), 1-17.
Ahinkorah, B. O., Kang, M., Perry, L., Brooks, F., & Hayen, A. (2021). Prevalence of first adolescent pregnancy and its associated factors in sub-Saharan Africa: A multi-country analysis. PloS one, 16(2), e0246308.
NCLS (2018). Teenage Pregnancy Prevention.,children%20born%20to%20older%20parents
I think you chose a great topic to conduct research on to support the implementation of your programmatic efforts. I can observe based on the assignment that you conducted research to support your findings and I am confident that you will be well prepared for your final project.
A couple of recommendations for you to consider is to make sure you include subtitles to identify each of the critical elements (ex. Scope and Nature, Population and Community, Social Determinants, etc.) It will be easier to identify each of the concepts required, I also recommend you identify the community (city, state, etc.) that your programmatic efforts will be addressing. I don’t think creating a global program right now would be feasible. I recommend you include the topic in a local community that has a high prevalence of the issue. The topic is broad, and it will be easier for you to think about this information now than at the end. On the grading rubric, I mentioned additional details related to what is missing for each section. I recommend you check it out to ensure you have included all of the major concepts for a successful final project.
Overall, you are headed in the right direction, keep my recommendations in mind.
Additional details was stated
Make sure you discuss the scope and nature of the risk behavior requiring change is highlighted on the macro level, before going directly to the affected population and community.
Make sure you identify the affected population and community for the proposed program.
Make sure you analyze the social determinants of health- and social justice-related disparities that impact the distribution of this behavior in the community.
Make sure you expand on the patterns and trends related to the risk behavior and affected population.
You did a great job of highlighting how the proposed program will improve the health, safety, and quality of life of the affected population in the community.