First, read Chapters 2 and 3 in
The Aging Networks: A Guide to Programs and Services
and review the websites of the National Council on Aging:
Economic Security
Home Equity Facts
. With what you now know about the interconnectedness of the aging network and various stakeholders, in a journal assignment, address the following:
- What stakeholders are most dependent on the existing continuum (model) of long-term care and support services? Explain your thinking.
- Discuss the role technology plays in healthcare now and the role it might play in the future to meet the changing needs of the aging population.
Cite from the text readings, the NCOA websites, as well as the other course resources as necessary to support your responses.
In this course, the journal will be used for reflection. Journal activities in this course are private between you and the instructor.
Overview: For this journal assignment, due in Module Two, you will explore the role of stakeholders in the aging network. You will also reflect on the
interconnectedness of the aging network and ruminate on the future, given rapidly changing technology as well as the rapidly changing aging population.
Prompt: First, read Chapters 2 and 3 in The Aging Networks: A Guide to Programs and Services and review the websites of the National Council on Aging (NCOA):
Home Equity and Home Equity Facts. With what you now know about the interconnectedness of the aging network and various stakeholders, in a 2- to 3-
paragraph journal entry, address the following:
Stakeholder Dependency: What stakeholders are most dependent on the existing continuum (model) of long-term care and support services? Explain
your thinking.
Technology/Future: Discuss the role technology plays in healthcare now and the role it might play in the future to meet the changing needs of the aging
Guidelines for Submission: Cite from the text readings, the NCOA website, and the other course resources to support your responses. Submit journal
assignment as a Word document.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Identifies stakeholders that are most
dependent on the existing continuum
(model) of long-term care and support
services and explains reasoning
Identifies stakeholders that are most
dependent on the existing continuum
(model) of long-term care and support
services, but reasoning is cursory or
lacking in detail
Does not identify stakeholders that are
most dependent on the existing
continuum (model) of long-term care
and support services
Technology/Future Discusses the role technology plays in
healthcare now and the role it might
play in the future to meet the changing
needs of the aging population
Discusses the role technology plays in
healthcare now, but does not
sufficiently discuss the role it might
play in the future to meet the changing
needs of the aging population
Does not discuss the role technology
plays in healthcare now or the role it
might play in the future
Articulation of
Journal entry is free of errors in
organization and grammar
Journal entry contains errors of
organization and grammar, but errors
are limited enough so that the entry
can be understood
Journal entry contains errors of
organization and grammar, making the
entry difficult to understand
Total 100%
- CHE 329 Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric