Define SHRM in Organizational Change
For this assignment, assume the role of an executive HR consultant to a medium-sized IT business owner CEO. This company is acquiring another small competitor in the same field within one year. In the process of preparation for the M&A, you are to write a brief executive summary discussing what strategic HRM is and the benefits and challenges to the company as a consultant to the CEO of this IT business.
Here are the critical questions in strategic planning in general:
· Where are you now? (Assess the current situation.)
· Where do you want to be? (Envision and articulate a desired future.)
· How do you get there? (Formulate and implement a strategy and strategic objectives.)
· How will you know if you are on track toward your intended destination? (Establish a mechanism to evaluate progress.)
In this document, you will need to address the following:
· What is strategic HRM? Provide your own definition of the strategic HRM in the given case.
· What are the benefits of SHRM for the company?
· What are the challenges to the company that will experience change?
Length: 3 pages, not including the title and reference pages
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.